Surgery 12-19-06
Good for you Phyllis! I had my surgery the 12th, am still a little sore, esp when I bend down, etc, but it is much much better. The port site seems to give the most trouble, is it that way with yours? Let me know if you come up with any good congoctions for your liquids. I tried liquified mashed potatoes, green beans and meatloaf a couple of days ago (blended really well, with milk added until it was a soup). Not all that delicious, lol.
Hi Deborah,
Glad you are doing so well. I have only last night tried cream of wheat, like you I got it where I could drink it through a straw. I haven't tried anything else but what you drink. You are a few days ahead of me. I don't know how much I'm supposed to eat.
1/4 a cup or 1/2 cup. I can't tell if I'm full or not.
Learning together. Merry Christmas and on to a new life.
Hi Sherri,
I am doing real well after my surgery. It has been 9 days now. I did some errands, today the most I have moved about since surgery. I am quite tired now. I have an appt. with my Dr. Tomorrow. I have lost 13 pounds by my scales. But when all you eat is liquid what do you expect.
I had my surgery by Dr. Malley, 5820 Lamar Ave..Mission , KS, Phone 913-4922576.
I had my surgery at DR's Hospital , on College Ave. Overland Park ,KS
Hope you have good luck finding a surgeon. So far I am happy with mine.