Yoohoo! Where are you all?
Hi everyone,
I am alive! Still weak but feeling better. I have lots to share and will answer any questions anyone would like to ask about the surgery or the doctors in Colorado Springs or whatever. I have to say that the care I received was stellar and I would recommend anyone who is able to go there. I will say this, this surgery is nothing to take lightly, one needs to be very clear about what to expect and what the road is that hs been chosen to travel.
I will be getting my follow up care at Tallgrass with Doctor Stewart, which is a comfort as well. I was told that Dr. Naricisso would not follow me at the very beginning if I had surgery with another group but all things happen for a reason.
I have missed you all and hope things are going well for you. Please respond, I would really like to know what has been going on and how everyone is doing? :::hugs:::
Hey dream I am sorry to hear that you had a hard time... I hope that you are doing better now.... I have been thinking about you alot, and I am sooooo glad that you are back on here.... If you need anything let me know... I saw Dr. Dunshee at Tallgrass and I just love all the ppl up there, they are great.... Why didnt you go there to have it done if you dont mind me asking.... Oh well I will go but It is GREAT that you are back .... Take Care ((( HUGSSS))) Christie
Hi there Christie,
How are you feeling? Yes, I wish I could say 'Awww it wasn't so bad' but I can't. It was pretty tough going, but I am looking forward to better days. Thank you for your good thoughts.
I like the people at Tallgrass also, I felt comfortable there from the start.
One reason I went to Colorado Springs is because I have no one here for post-op care. Another reason is because my insurance coverage would not cover in Kansas. Had I been able to and those two things were not a factor, I would have stayed here.
Even though I had a tough time, I really loved my surgeon, Dr. Fisher. The hospital has a whole floor dedicated to bariatric patients. The nurses were phenomenal. A big change from what I heard it was like a few years ago. I 'm glad because I was there for two weeks!
I am so happy to hear from you and don't forget to let us know how you are doing.
Well I have blabbed enough, getting tired and I want to reply to some more posts :::hugs to Christie:::
Dream!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wondering where you have been girl. I have thought of you so much and have been praying that you were ok. I am glad that you have found a doctor here in Kansas who will do your followup care. My journey is just now beginning I finally have gotten a consult appointment to see Dr. Nelson down in Norman, Oklahoma on October 10th. I hope and pray things go fast after that and I will have a surgery date. I am so glad you are back.
I know it's been quite awhile. Thank you for your prayers, I am sure they helped. I am very lucky that Dr. Stewart is following me at Tallgrass. I think that is wonderful of him, don't you?
I am so very excited for you, you have worked so hard for this and I was sad when Noman fell though, but you know, all things work together for the good and so there is a reason for that. October 10th wow that is so close, please, please, please, be sure to let us know how it goes and where you are and all that or I will worry.
Thank you for the warm cuddly welcome back! :::hugs to Stephie::: We'll talk soon!
Hi Mark with a k
Yes I made it, I survived, lol. It was hard but you know, I look to better days ahead. I din't plan to have an open procedure but due to complications inside my tummy it was needed. I was in surgery for over 5 hours so I am sure that is why I am having such a difficult recovery.
I hope the board picks up soon. I come here and feel so blue when no one has posted, but I smile when I see posts. It's like this is our little corner of OH.
October 5th, is that your surgery date Mark? Oh my goodness, you are going so soon also. Steph has her consult on the 10th. Be sure to let us all know how your are or have your wife tell us, okay?
Mark, I want to tell you something. You have been such a little soldier. I remember when this all began and you were fighting like a champion and I want to say thank you. I sorta' felt no one wanted to do anything. like I was all alone fighting a big giant.Then you were right there sending letters, calling, and everything. I am sure it made a difference...anyway, I want to say thank you Mark. I am so excited that you have a date, your certainly earned it. Well wishes to you and your family.
:::hugs for Mark and wife:::
Hey Dream you noticed the K!
Now I understand your being gone for this long. 5 hours of somebody jostling your insides has got to have made you pretty sore. I'm sorry to hear you've had such trouble but glad to hear your on your way back. Yes October 5th is my surgery date! Dr. Hornbastel in Sedalia Mo will be doing the surgery. Times moving faster than I thought it would. Seems like yesterday I was upset because I still had 3 months to wait. My wife and middle daughter will be traveling with me but I think my son is coming to stay with my youngest daughter while we're gone. I'll have him post something to let you know how I'm doing. Dream I'm glad I was able to make a difference for you. Sometimes I felt like I was just making a lot of noise in the wrong peoples ears but in the end it seems to be working out. I still check the Medicare site everyday hoping to find a COE in Kansas to post here. Tallgrass sent in their paper work on June 28th. Word is that it will probably take a year to get the certification.