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Hi all, Im post op now and feeling pretty good. I was in surgey for 6 hrs because of scar tissue, so needless to say I have had alot of pain. I also had aleak while in still in surgery and so I have drain with lots of drainage. Praise the Lord no fever or signs of infection.
I am still in the hospital but may go home today. this is crappy puter I will send more once home. Thanks for all of your support!
Are you drinking with your meals? Remember that is taboo.
Don't be a scale ***** you just had surgery what 8 days ago? Your body has not even had time to adjust to the change. You might have water weight gain, you might need to go (number 2) excuse the reference. It can be anything, give the process time and call your doc.
The first four months after I had surgery was a horrible time for me. I definately understand your struggles.
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
You are more than likely expereincing some head hunger. Try drinking more liquids, most of the time our "hunger" is really a message from our body that we are thirsty. Its hard for our brains to wrap around the fact that we don't need a huge plate of food any more.
Having some depression after sugery could certainly be a factor. Loss of our dear friend and comfort AKA:food can be really depressing. I dont think I had any idea how much of my life was focused on eating until I had surgery. I still struggle to find balance.
The weight will come off, I promise!! Do yourself a huge favor and put the scale away, don't get caught up in the numbers game.
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
Your mom cant be all bad if she lives in Mooresville.. LOL
Linda kay
Good Morning Linda Kay. It is TGIF for me! I have had a bad cold, cough for almost 2 weeks now! Last day of antibiotics today. I did not go see my mom in Mooresville for 2 weeks because I do not want to give this crud to her! I am ready to be over it, and now we are supposed to get another bit of bad weather. I cannot take Musinex, I am one of those strange people that gets all lightheaded and after a bit I cannot feel the top fo my head.
. Hope you get over your cold soon. Have a good weekend.