8 days till surgery
I completed all my testing today. I am so nervous, it has made everything so real. May 17th is my date and the butterflies are on the move! Is this normal to feel so nervous about this change in life style? So much fear but I know it is what I want I am so sick of the way I look.......
Please advise
Congrats Teresa,
I was wondering if u could answer a few questions for me. I noticed you have anthem like Sam and I do. Could u tell us what all u sent in to get approved. Did you have the 18 month Dr supervised dieting? Also the testing you did today....What exactly did that consist of? Thanks for any info u can share with us!

I would worry about you if you were not worried... You will be in our prayers and hearts!!!
We get so comfortable being fat that when the new exciting things in our lives start happening we get thrown a little... Keep your head on straight.. your heart in the right place and your best foot forward.. you are on the journey of your life... there is noone stopping you now!!
Best wishes.