Friday, and you better get gas
Good morning everyone, I hate to tell you this, but you better get up and get gas ASAP I heard at 5:20 AM this morning gas has just jump again........ It is now and over a nother dollar plus a barell since yesterday. Holy Molely, What well we do. I think I will go chain my gas can up in the shed to make sure my son isn't using what I have just bought for the scooter and the lawn mower. Sometimes he put some of the gas in his friends cars to get them some where. Hope to see you all Sat. I am pretty sure Ellen and I are going together.
Lisa B

Good morning all!
Yep, I gotta fill up when I get off. I am dreading it! I have been paying $50 to fill up. Pretty bad when you gotta buy gas on a credit card! At least a tank usually lasts me a week or so.
I gotta make a few other stops when I get off of work. My mother-in-law called me last night & she wants me to stop by and pick up some things for the exchange tomorrow. She wanted to know if SHOES were ok to include!!
I told her that yes, we women are just like any other woman when it comes to shoes!! LOL! After that, gotta stop by the store. I decided on a sugar-free pear crisp to bring tomorrow. It looks yummy. Is there a microwave there? I think it'd taste best a little warm with a little bit of SF cool whip. Don't ya just LOVE splenda?!?! Hmmm...maybe I should just leave work early??? I'll have to think about that one.
Hope you all have a great day today. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

Yes it is Friday and I am ever so glad. I have the whole weekend off. I feel like I didn't have today off though because got home from work this morning changed clothes (and they were falling down) had to take the puppy to the vet for the last of his puppy shots and then went to the store for something for lunch and then dealing with the 4 year old who thinks he is 15 from the sounds of his mouth. He has such a big attitude for a little guy but I love him anyway. Well hope everyone had a great day and I hope to meet you all tomorrow at the clothing exchange.