gonna look at what my ins will do for me....if they do great, and if they don't I can live with that as well.....i do not have to have a tight tummy....but i would like the excess skin gyn told me she has seen women look worse than me that had not even lost 100 uck...rememeber i will be 53 this not like i plan or want to be perfect...but i would like to have my rear end back....
My "apron" has been hanging since I was a teen...ugh However I have found a way to beat the reddness and itching. A&D ointment. I have tried everything...powder...ointments...etc. But A&D is great. Just apply it after a shower and you are good to go.
After the weight loss I would love to have a body lift. I cannot imagine how scary I will look naked. I am big everywhere. My calves will probably sag around my ankles! YIKES!
Know where you are going yet? When I go, it will be Turkle's group. They seemed to have the best reviews from here and when I made inquiries to several offices, their's was the most helpful. I have 20 more lbs to go before I get 'lifted'. You should see it when I get in the hot tub!! Loose skin FLOATS..BIG TIME!!