Lurkers and missing posters
Ok ,I'm a lurker too. Love to read what everyone has to say, but never feel I have anything to contribute since I'm a newbee. Just returned from my 6 week visit and everything is great so far, Down 45 pounds. Yahoo. Never thought I would be down this much. Never have in my life on any diet.
Darrah, I too found some small nodules in my stomach. I asked Dr. Jones today about them. She checked and just laughed. She told me they are fatty deposits. Apparently the fat is going away and what's left bunches up . I really felt better about this. So, maybe this is your problem too. I hope so and that it turnes out ok.
Hope everyone has a great dfay , what is left of it.
Hello everyone!
I mainly lurk. Though once in a blue moon I chime in on someone's post. I sure do appreciate all of you! Ya'll have such wonderful input!
I was hoping to go to the clothing exchange for the first time last month but wouldn't ya know that my kids' soccer game would be on the same day. We are in full swing with soccer. Both saturdays and sundays. I enjoy watching the kids play but I will be glad to get back to weekend camping!!!!
I look forward to the day that I get the opportunity to meet everyone! Is there any type of summer even when everyone get's together?