Lurkers and missing posters
Yep they need to ask questions,,, make comments and share what they know to the newbies.. we learn by knowing what others have gone thru.
There is one 18 months out who has a vast knowledge because she has been thru alot and I miss her...She was MY mentor when I first came out and had been there for me with so much morale support...Now I miss her... think I may have offended her or something...maybe because I slowed down and am acting up a bit??? Sigh..
Ok Lurkers... post!
OK Angie and Linda, you caught me, I have checked in now, lol!!! I have to admit I am bad about this, I am on hear at least 3 times a a day, a.m, after work 4-5ish and before bed, always read and see if anything new has been posted, but I am so bad about typing in a response, shoot I will have to work on it.
Someone asked on the other post, anyone know info on the JULY clothing exchange, haven't heard anyone volunteer yet, I did say if noone stepped up, I would host again in July, how much longer should I wait before someone will let me know if I am the LUCKY one, really I don't mind, just need to see about getting the church again!! DEB, do you have any suggestions yet? Or volunteers???
Well hope everyone has a great day and the rain stays away, baseball practice tonight, by the way my son's/hubby team won their game saturday, it was a nailbiter though, but they did it!! GO ORIOLES!!! It sprinkled a little but of course I didn't float away, I survived! Gotta get ready for work and head out, iI posted, where are you at you other lurkers you, come out of hiding, LOL LOL, hope to hear from ya soon, be checking back in at 5 today!
Talk to ya soon, keep up the great journeys, no matter where you are at in them, DAWN
I would so far as i know have no problem helping with the exchange...i was TIED up for the last one,,,,if you know what i mean.......but my pole barn i allowed my cousin to store what i thought was a few things...ended up being a 3 bedroom house of everything......OH MY GOSH i hope it is out by the oct bon fire...i told her it had to be...but she has done nothing since dec to today....will not start reminding her till like july...then i will have to cos i need my space....but i can help with it....
yahoooo on winning the ball game...

I'm a lurker...and feel bad about it. I read most of the posts and I've here a few times a day. I respond when I think I have something to offer but that's about it.
I guess, since I'm only 1 week post-op today (and 20.2lbs down since I started liquids 3 weeks ago), I don't have the ton of information most of the more long-term post-ops have.
Not a lurker or missing poster...
Who-ever ends up doing the clothing exchange:
WLS Indy's picnic is Sunday, July 16th at 11 am. I know there was some concern on that site that the exchange might be scheduled for the same day. I also know the exchange is usually on a Saturday....
Since we usually do have some folks who try to go to activities hosted by both sites, to make it more convenient for them, please avoid scheduling the July exchange on that date.
Okay, I'm a missing poster
Went and saw Dr. Cacucci yesterday for a small lump I found in my tummy. She said it's still too small to know just what it is yet, and that we will check it more at my regular checkup which is on the 19th. The good news is I got to weigh, and on my 2 month anniversary, I'm down 53 pounds. I still can't tell, but, oh well. I feel horrible most of the time after I eat, so I've been having a lot of fruit smoothies (man I love smoothie king). My husband ordered pizza the other night. Normally I would have sat there drooling at it wishing I could have a big gooey slice, and then steal a pepperoni off a piece and be done. Now just to look at it about makes me ill. I never feel like eating anymore, but Dr. C says if I don't start eating more I'll never feel any better. Never thought I'd have a Dr. tell me to eat MORE.