Happy Tuesday -- Election Day
Morning all!
Had my endocrinologist appt this morning. Looks like my synthroid dose may FINALLY be at the right level for me. Also, I am in perimenapausal. Gee..I think Bill & I knew that...
He wanted to second guess why I had my hysterectomy 3 years ago and to me , it's like, who cares??? I'm just glad not to have to deal with periods anymore! (some) Men! Oh...and he tells me to "cut down on the sweets" because of the hypoglycemia. Some people just don't get that when you have RNY, you really should "cut out" sweets, not "cut down". Starches is what will give me fits...not sugar-free pudding! LOL!! Oh well, good to go as far as he's concerned for 4 months.
As to the clothing exchange...
I read on the local site right after the last clothing exchange a post that said that the next one was going to be on the same day as the WLS Indy picnic. I don't know where some people get their information
Yes, I posted a response saying that we didn't even know who was hosting that exchange or where...just that it would be in July..and that someone would post it there once all that has been determined. Next thing I saw was where someone was saying the exchange was going to be at the picnic..??? I know last year, several people did bring clothes to the picnic. Anyway, for those who go to both sites, don't confuse the two separate activities. Keep an eye on the posts here for information about the clothing exchange. (BTW...if we still had the bar, I'd volunteer to host it but I don't know that my backyard is big enough...and I know my table isn't!).
You all have a great day!