Dang it i am off a nother 4 weeks
Well just got home for the gyn doc. and she check me out and ended up doing a hour and half long sugery on me in the office, it was suppose to be only to repair two stiches and end up almost redoing everything. Man what did I do , to much I suppose. At first she was going to take me off for 2 more weeks then after she got in and started more was torn open then she thought and told me it was like almost doing the hystrorectomy all over again, and said no walking and nothing over 8 pounds for 4 weeks. Dang it, I just don't know what I am going to do this really suck.
Lisa B

Hope those kids of yours DO help... YOU need to take care of yourself!!! I find it sooo very hard to believe she reoperated in her office but wow.. you must have needed it!!! The chance she took as a Dr to do this in her office unsterile enviroment... I shudder to think of what could have happened...
Take care,