Saturday Morning!!!
Mmmmmm...Doesn't coffee just hit the spot??? Don't worry folks. It's decaf..sf...with sf french vanilla creamer. I think it's the creamer that does it for me. I just love waking up with a cup (or three!) of it. Since our grandson stayed the night, gonna make some pancakes (w/dietetic syrup) for breakfast.
Oh am I sore this morning! I played hookie from work yesterday (yes..called my boss and just told him the day was too pretty to come in to work. He agreed.). I went shopping and came home to put in two 2'x6' flower beds. I put some Miracle Gro enriched soil down (8 bags..each 2 cu') and then 6 bags of pine nuggets (again, 2 cu'). Every bag, did it myself. That should have aided in getting me some upper body muscles!! LOL! After the flowers start blooming, I'll have to take some pics to share with you all. In the center of each bed, I put a rhodensia bush. In one, I then added calla's (2 colors) and bleeding hearts. In the other, Lilly of the Vallies. Then I added to both a multi color assortment of gladiola's. This fall, when it's safe to dig them up, I'm going to add some stray tulips that are growing by the sidewalk. I think my mother-in-law planted them there years ago. Anyway, this morning I am feeling aches in places I have felt in a LONG time!! and you know? It feels good!!
I hope you all enjoyed the great weather yesterday. I know it's suppose to be rainy the next few days but go to a mall or something and get some walking in! Your body will thank you!
Have a terrific day today!