WOW Dan - sounds like you got a lot of motivation within yourself to continue to make more positive changes in your life.
Smoking sure is a hard habit.
I lost my paternal grandmother to emphazyme (sp?) - she smoked 2 packs a day since she was 16 yrs old. She still couldn't stop when she was on oxygenfrom the damage from the emphazyme and one day forgot to take her nasal tube out to light a cig and ended up catching herself on fire. I lost my maternal grandmother to cancer from smoking - she had a pack a day habit since she was 13 yrs old and continued to smoke up till the day she died. Currently my dad is diagnosed with Lung cancer which has matasized (sp?) to his left main artery and to his liver AND he still hasn't given up smoking.
Me - never once EVER wanted to pick up that habit -
- but I can tell you that I know it's a hard habit. But just like eating and food consumption was a bad addiction that you eventually found strength enough quit - I have strong faith that you can beat this one too.
Just remember we're always a keyboard and internet connection away if you ever need a listening ear and some good support. That's what we are here for.

Hey Dan,
You are doing Wonderful-
I was so happy to see you without your chair Sat.
You keep up the great work- the benefits are really showing!!! ( I didn't know you get a tee -shirt for 100# weight loss. Is that something your Dr. does?)
I hope you do stop- for your healths sake. I know you can do it- look at all the positive strives you have taken to get this far.( I too, lost BOTH of my parents-17 days apart- to COPD & Emphysema. It was horrible to watch them gasp for air, & try so hard to just get a breath.
I will pray for you.

HI Dan...WAY TO GO...EXCELLENT JOB!!! Keep up the great work, you'll sail through with flying colors on the smoking...you've done awesome at WLS, smoking is just another step. It's a very hard habit to break, I have almost been smoke free for 2 1/2 yrs, but have been really wanting to go there again, and I know I can't because of the risks I would be taking on another ulcer, plus I have a 20 month old son I can't leave without a mommy!!! I know you can do it, I have faith in you!!! Take care of yourself!!! "HUGZZZZZ" ~~~Shari
Way to go Dan and wish you luck on quitting smoking. My dad about 18 or 19 years ago quit smoking only he never said he quit smoking. He just said that he ran out and never had made it to get anymore. He passed away it will be 2 years ago in October, from complications from diabetes. I have never know to many people that could quit cold turkey like he did, but he would never say that he quit. I wish you well and congratulate you on the weight loss.
Dan, you made the decision to have wls surgery to better your health, now it is time to make the decision to quit smoking to better your health. Just think how ironic it would be to have this surgery and do a great job, (like you are doing) and have knee surgery and be healthy for the first time in many years, and then to have health issues due to smoking??? What a waste.
You have been very successful in your wls journey and so now use that same determination to quit smoking. you want to be around for a long time for Ann and those grandkids.
Blessings to you.