hey all.....hope it is as beautiful day as we had yesterday........
prayer alarm went off this morning and i snoozed it..rolled over snuggled with my bag of bones husband....and i heard something different......his heart has sounded like a clock ticking...this morning it only went "thud thud".....this would explain a whole lot to me..why he is tired and why did i not hear this before now? i am thinking it means a clot on his valve....the nurse will be here today to do his blood work, and i am going to call her this morning along with his cardiologist...I have heard that clock ticking for to many years.....and as soon as i heard it i was wide i am a nervous wreck.....
Good morning all...
Angie, I sure hope that this is just the sound of a lighter Ed's heartbeat. I'll keep you both in my thoughts today.
The weather is suppose to be beautiful today. It's suppose to get up to ~74. Tonight though, the rain is suppose to move in and bring cooler temps with it so enjoy today if you can.
Have a great day!
Good Morning,
Angie, I sure hope he is ok! Will be thinking of you both today, and keeping you both in my prayers, please let us know what you find out!
Yesterday was so beautiful, can't wait for today, although I will be at work, I will enjoy what I can of it, hope you all do to.
Sherri, received your email on the ball, any suggestions, maybe we could dress up as a group thing, don't know, only thing that comes to mind right now is wizard of oz, fruit of the loom guys, anybody else have suggestions, what do you think? Individual, group???? Never really dressed up before because of the weight issues and not wanting to participate, but I do think this will be fun, let me know, my aunt that was at the exchange is a sewer ( so-er not sewer HAHA) maybe I can get her help for something by then! For those who don't know what I am talking about, it is for a masquerade ball, halloween dress up for the Obesity Help Seminar in Lexington, some of us are going and want te represent Indiana well, and WIN!!!!!
Hope everyone has a Great day, good luck on your journeys today!!
Dawn (& everyone else interested in 'conference stuff'),
It doesn't matter to me. It'd be kinda hard to make costumes though cause no telling what size any of us will be once that October gets here. I have a barmaid costume from last year. If someone is ~size 16-18, they are welcome to it when the time comes. I think Kim is leaning toward a formal with a mask...the way southern Bell's dressed for true masqaurade balls. I don't know that I want to go that formal....I think I'd rather go 'fun'.
I got mine & Kim's forms faxed to Brenda today. May 1st is coming up fast and wanted to get them in to get the $75 rate.
I just checked Dan's (the travel agent) site and Radisson isn't on there yet. I'll keep checking & let everyone know when the discounted rooms are available. I am booking 1 room for Thursday & Friday nights (Oct. 26-27). It will have 2 queen size room for 4 of us women. Kim & Tammy have told me for sure that they want to go. Dawn & Ellen are maybe's. If 4 people split the cost, it will be $60 for the 2 nights per person. Add that to the registration and to go to the National Conference would only cost $135, and breakfast (Fri & Sat) & dinner (Thur-Sat). Pretty inexpensive really for something like this...I think so anyway
Remember everyone....Conference rates go up after May 1st.

Angie, I cannot imagine the stress you must be under right now. I am putting you and Ed on our prayer request. From what I have read he has been through so much. He needs a break!
Hello everyone. I want to thank Dawn for all the hard work you put into the exchange. Next time I am coming without the brat. It was his nap time and he gets really naughty if he doesn't get a nap.
I decided I couldn't wait for the psych and nutrition report to get here so I mailed my packet out to the insurance company. I figure I will fax it when it finally gets here. At least they can get things rolling. When I called they didn't act like it was going to be too difficult. I also wrote a big letter. Sure that will be fun reading. Hope I did the right thing.
Well I am off to chase my little man. Have a wonderful and blessed afternoon.
Ed and you will be in my prayers. You guys are having such a rough way to go right now.
Yes it is Monday and I am back off to work tonight. I just hate the thought of having to go back to work after being off for three days. I had to take my puppy to the vet because he was not feeling well this morning and when I got him there they kept him and now my nephew went to pick him up. They said he would be ready to come home about 3. Well I guess I will get off here and quit gabbing. I hope everyone has a great day.