Thanks everyone... It was GREAT
Hello to all my loser friends and family,
Thanks to everyone for coming out and taking part today. I had a blast hosting it! Had a great time visiting with everyone, even the staying after and cleaning up and getting to visit a little more with some of you was wonderful.
Thanks Ann for helping put out the extra tables, you are a tremendous support to Dan and I appreciate your extra help today!
Thanks to Darcie, for your help keeping up on the tables and putting the extras on the chairs and the added tables as well. Love ya, not many people can get away with calling their little sister a loser or your big sister for that fact LOL wouldn't trade ya for the world, thanks again sis, love ya
Thanks to anyone and everyone who came and helped, it was awesome, used every table we could find and then invented some too!
Think about if you would like to host the July exchange, it still is available, I have agreed to try to hold it if noone else volunteers, but the offer is open!!
There were 30 names signed in on the sheet, however there are people I can think of that were there that did not sign in, with spouses and boyfriend/girlfriend, I think we had safely nearly 50 people, how awesome, thanks again everyone for taking time out today to share time with me.
Sherri- Kim- Tammy- lets keep posted about the seminar, can't wait to be a part of that!
Sherri and Jodi- great recipes, thanks, they were awesome!!!
Till next time, gotta close- I am T---I---R---E---D!!!
Dawn, Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess. The exchange was wonderful! I had such a good time and it was so good seeing everyone. You really must get a new picture on your profile....and try to have the camera capture that sparkle in your definatly have one!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the deserve it!

Dawn.. As one that has been there I can't thank you enough for hosting the exchange yesterday!! It is a job!! Makins sure everything is put back to where it was!! YOU are very special and doing such a great job on your journey and keeping that sweet personality too!!
You are a dear!!! I promise to help more at the next one!! and to everyone else.. sorry I snatched that beautiful purple nightie BEFORE the exchange officially started... was just to cute to pass up...
Thank YOU to all the Hoosier Losers!!! I enjoy getting to know you and the support you give is awesome and can't be beat!
Thanks for hosting the exchange. It was my first and I totally enjoyed it! Got some great clothes, great ideas on new food ideas, and enjoyed actually meeting some of you in person. It's amazing to see how much we all change from our pictures. I'd offer to host the next exchange but I'm out in the boondocks of southern indiana, so instead I'm offering to help whoever has it with setting up, planning, etc. Can't wait to see less of you all in a few months!!!!!
Dawn, thanks for hosting the exchange. It was a great turnout and lots and lots of nice clothes. It is only the second exchange I have been to but I have gotten to know so many losers better through these exchanges. I live a couple hours away and so don't get to meet any of you at SG or any events you all do so these are very nice not only for the clothes but to meet everyone.
You did a great job and deserve a lot of thanks. I know it was a lot of hard work. I have hosted meals at my church and know what all is involved in setting up and putting back exactly like before.
Thanks to everyone for all the great clothing you brought and I am looking forward to the next one and getting some smaller sizes.
Blessings to you all.
I had a great time, I can't stop thinking about it. I had a lot of fun. It was my first one, so I was a little out of sorts. I was talking to people and not making any sence. I really enjoyed myself and so did my boyfriend who likes to teas. We have been together for 11 years know. I hope you are recovered from the event.
Thanks Alot!
Take Care, God Bless!