What a Wonderful Exchange Day!!
Hello There Beautiful People!!
Well I am home and just finished trying on all my wonderful items!! Whew...I am beat! lol I had such a great time seeing eeveryone and finding such Delicious things to wear! Jodi, Thank you for the Gorgeous Swimsuit and Coverup!! I tried it on first thing...talk about Stunning! I love it! It is my colors and fits perfectly! My hubby loved it and said I looked so good in it. I have never had a swimsuit wrap before and this fits perfectly ...I am soooo Excited......For whoever brought in the Red~White!Blue Swimsuit in a 22tall I found it at the last moment before leaving and it looks super on too!! I am so ready for vacation......Once I get to the pool deck I figure I can poise my thighs so the legs look smaller at least on top...
Shoot I am just so happy to be feeling so wonderful and in less pain with my knees I am really not that vain about my legs. I have 2 and they are working pretty good so I am happy! I got a beautiful little denim sundress with little flowers on the bodice....it is perfect on me and my hubby has a thing for me in denim....hum..you think it will be too much for me to be looking so delectable in Vegas and him getting to play Texas Holdum too???
The wicked black satin long nitie will definatly be in my suitcase for Vegas too!! Ohh La La!! Thank you bunches to who ever brought in the white strapless bra...my favorite brand and just my size...it fits beautifully.....Then the little pink and white checked jacket with the shiny sequins.....Gorgeous! I love the white T-shirt with the Martini Glasses...ummmm just up my alley with the sequins...I think life is just way to short so I believe we all need to sparkle while we are here. My friend Lori gave me a pink fleece hoodie that says "Spoil Me" ...and that is just how I am feeling right now! I am so spoiled and blessed to have made such fantastic friends on this marvelous journey. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for gracing my life with your warmth, support, love and friendship! A very special Thank you to Miss Courtney for introducing me to you all..... Life is very very good!! You all have a Fabulous Weekend and Keep Blooming!!

Wow...it was great seeing everyone again and meeting all the new people!!! I have been so blessed with everyone getting involved in the exchanges....and everyone has such a great time!!!! Have fun in Vegas you sexy thing!!!! Hope the hubby can concentrate knowing you are walking around the casino all tall and sleek!!!

Marianne I'm glad you adore the swimsuit and wrap. I know when I "could" wear it I LOVED IT!! I hope you get good use out of it.
I LOVED seeing everyone today. I just wished some of you had hung around a little while longer. Living over an hour away when I get to go to these group activities I enjoy meeting everyone and there where so many of you new faces that ended up leaving so quickly I didn't get a chance to meet you all.
. But for those that new people that I did get to meet I'm SOOOOOOO GLAD to see and meet you.
*LiL (with sarcasm saying that) Ms COURTNEY!!! - YOU MODEL!!! Hahahaah! Could you possibly be any more taller and stunning!!!
*Leah it was so nice to see you. Seriously - I was begining to worry about you.
*Debi - same goes for you as with Leah. We can't be a good support system for you guys if you hide out from us. We love you guys and are there for u. Like your own private counseling team...
*Linda, Ellen, and Sherri - ALWAYS ALWAYS AWESOME to see you guys and chit chat.
*Dawn - thank you so much for your time and generosity in hosting this event.
To EVERYONE else that was there - IT was great talking, meeting, and seeing you all there.
Total Fills: 2.3 cc's

Awww thanks Jodi! I just haven't been myself and it has been hard. I really need to just get out and do something. Maybe I need a good cry. Heck...I don't even know if I know what I need.
Anyway, thanks for thinking of me. I guess I really should keep you all updated even when I don't come here that often. I don't want you all to think I fell off the face of the earth.