Kokomo support group tonight
HI all. Went to the Kokomo Bariatric Support Group tonight for the first time. Loved it! Saw at least 4 people I know but have not seen for quite some time, all in various stages of bariatric stuff. It was a great group and very informal. For those of you who are interested or know someone who might be, it is the 3rd Wednesday of each month and is located on St. Joseph Drive by Lord John Tacos off of Jefferson Street and the door you enter is around on the back side of the building. Hope to see you there! And, "hi" to all my new found friends from tonight!
Jennie B

Glad to have met you last night. It was a great group and gets larger every month. I counted 31 there last night. Chuck is an excellent group leader who makes sure everyone gets a chance to ask there questions. I found the discussion on plastic surgery interesting. I am already saving my money because I know I will need it done some day.