What do you all think?
Ok, I am just going to ask this. I have been lurking in the background for a while, and I thought you guys might be able to shed some light.
I am 26 years old, with a bmi of 55.9.
I was born severly club footed, and there are days that I am barely able to walk. I have had 19 foot surgerys with the talk of another one.
Sleep apnea along with high blood pressure, and I am assuming High cholestoral (sp?), are among my co morbids.
Do you think I should do the 6 months of supervised dieting, or should I get a letter from my foot doctor explaining my condition, and from my family doctor, qualifying me for wls? My insurance is thru Aetna, POS.
Any feedback would be greatly appreicated.
Hey Scott...I personally would do whatever it takes to get the fastest approval!!! If it means getting your PCP to write you a letter including all your co-morbidities or the 6 month supervised diet...GO FOR IT!!! Sometimes insurances will overlook the requirements for the supervised dieting for X amount of time if the other co-morbid conditions are bad enough. I didn't have to go through 18 months of supervised dieting because of all the other things I had going on!!! Best wishes to you on your journey...I hope you get your approval sooner than later!!! ~~~Shari
call your ins co, see what they say,,,,make sure they do not have an exclusion...most ins companies even with dr letters and your bmi or other health history....they want that diet history....short of a lawyers help, no getting around it...and gary will work with anyone who uses him as far as a payement plan ect...should be your bmi alone should approve you, but nope, they wanna throw some micky mouse stuff at ya....
The old saying "What have you got to loose" fits. Go ahead and have the bariatric center submit your request for approval and include the medical necessity information from your primary care doctor and your specialists. If they turn you down....appeal. In the mean time- begin the 6 month medical supervised diet to be ahead of the game. Every day you wait...is another day wasted.
Good luck with your journey!!!!!!!!!!

Go to your PCP and get the letter started about your health at this present stage. get copies of your medical records.. I am sure your weight was recorded each visit... (My Dr got a kick out of seeing how much I weighed each time) Then have the medical necessity letter from the bariatric center you have chosen and good luck!! You have a good chance!!
I ditto the rest, by the time you get all your info together it could take 6 months, so why not go on the supervised diet at the same time you are working on your paperwork and letters from the dr. That way you could be down a few pounds for surgery which is better for you also.
Good luck