April 18th
darn i hate waking up and was not ready to get up plus anyway it is to early...we have had a number of missing posters, so come out come out...wherever you are.....
well sure enough ed got out yesterday, a home nurse came and showed us how to hook up this IV....he is good to go for 3 more nights, and guess it will be known if he will stay on it...which unless he eats more, he is gonna be..he had like an oz of pudding, (at least butterscotch) and some soup again an oz...he did have a bite of coconut pie ..left overs from Easter..he got milk, and water, and juice in...Dr Clark did not release him, his assistant did...I just wonder how long before he eats...wait till you see him, and i bet he is still considered over weight by the bmi standards..well, skinny looking to me...he is almost 6-4 and about 240...
he, bends his arm and this machine goes off, which he can not hear..so guess who wakes up and has to wake him up...LOL....he had best to start eating and getting off that...if for no other reason then for my peace of mind...Glad he is home and hope i am wrong about the scope...
Good morning. I'm glad to hear that Ed is home. That has to be a relief for you. I think Ed is trying to get to goal in record time, huh? When will you know if he has to have another scope?
You take care sweetie!
Good morning everyone!
VERY OT!: When I went to my PCP last week, I had talked to her about my sinus allergies (on Allegra now) and hemeroids. Her office calls a GI to set up an appointment (and tells them why I need to go see them) but they say I need to call myself. So...I call and make the appointment...and tell them why I need to go see them. I get there yesterday, and tell the nurse why I am there. Then the GI comes in, we talk, and I tell him why I am there to see him. Get this..that is FOUR times they are told why I am there to see them, right? So..he tells me he needs to see them and has me drop 'em. I do, he examines, I re-dress. THEN he tells me that he is not the surgeon for that...that if I needed a colonoscopy, he would be my man but for hemeroids, I needed to see this other guy.
Now, was this guy just trying to cop a free-shot or what???? So...appointment is made with (hopefully) the right guy for this afternoon. Oh well, maybe yesterday's surgeon just wasn't sure what a post-WLS sharpai-looking butt looked like!
Kim & Tammy...I'm gonna go ahead and call about the room today. Will put a post in here when I get it done and get the info. Still have room for one more person.
You all have a great day!!

I wish I could go to the Kentucky thing, but our belated honeymoon has beenplanned for that week, and we're heading to Vegas. Hopefully by then I can fit in a plane seat without a seatbelt extender. I've hit my first plateau. Of course, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but it feels so early to stop losing weight already LOL. I've been getting in over 11k steps a day. So I guess the only thing to do is up the protein.
I REplanted flowers again yesterday. I had JUST planted a bunch of tulips the day we had that freak hail storm. My yard looked great for about two whole hours. And since tulips only bloom once a year and they were SHREDDED, there was nothing left to do but shear them down, and plant some perrenials. I've not a huge fan of Petunias, but the hubby wanted some, so I got some. I did get some GORGEOUS birght orange begonias tho, so I am excited about those.
Morning EVERYONE!!!!
Looking forward to a bright sunny day, hope everyone else is too.
Ange, Glad to hear that Ed is at least home. Hopefully he'll be getting better healthy wise now that he is at home in his comfort zone. That and I'm sure you won't tolerate any of his BS unlike the nurses, hahah!
Yesterday was my 7.5 month checkup with Dr Clark. He said I'm right on target and is pleased with my loss, particulary after this last fill. We talked about my smelly and irratated belly button issue. He said that my belly button is to deep and to keep applying my Aveno diaper rash cream until I can have my TT. UGH! I also told him about my underfolded panni apron smelling and being raw. Same advice as with my belly button. I know Medicare/Medicaid will cover my TT, however I have two other issues that Dr Clark said I'd probably have to fight to get fixed. The excess skin from my arms... and.... (this is kinda embrassing) my uneven breast. One is a DD and one is a C. I"m not really worried about it right now because I still have more to loose and then need to stablize.
Well off to yoga, swimming, and tanning. Everyone have a great day!!
good morning. Hope you are all having a wonderful morning. Jodi one thing I use for the smelly rawness is Gold Bond Powder. When ever I start to feel it getting moist I start using the powder and it dries it up right away. Especially during the warmer weather we will be having soon. It does have a mediciny smell to it but it is better that the other smell.
Glad Ed is home... enjoy it while you can...he just may up and go again...Maybe if he is starting to hold things down he wont need the scope.
I went for my annual and my blood levels were PERFECT!!!! I have NO issues and I dropped a few flyers on the coffee table ABOUT THE CLOTHING EXCHANGE.
HOPEFULLY I will make it to support group tonight Scott has his spinal surgery tomorrow.
Good Morning everyone,
Angie, I am so glad Ed is home, I know you are too! Hope he is feeling up to coming and visiting with us on Saturday, maybe Dan can talk him into eating something from the pitch-in!!!
Sherri- I really would love to go to the seminar, I won't know till Fri- Sat if that will be possible for me for that weekend, if that isn't too late to let you know, if it works out for me to go, I would love to share the room, I will let you know, sorry it has taken me so long to get an answer!!
Kim- My husband is going to forward that registration form to you, I tried but could not get it accomplished, I am not very computer oriented, will try tonight after baseball or tomorrow, hope you get it this time, I haven't forgotten about ya!
Well it is getting closer to the exchange, only 4 more days, who is coming? I can't wait to see/meet ya!
Hope everyone has a great day, and that it stays dry.
HUGZ See ya soon, DAWN