MONDAY morning
oh the birds are chirping, its dark out....i do not care for this day light savings time....i like when it is day light early and dark early...
I just let out a huge sigh, doubtful ole eddie is getting out today. believe he is gonna be needing a scope, and stretched again...means thicking up his blood again.....and then getting it back to where it belongs...been since last monday working on it to thin out to come home today...he says even liquids just sit there or does not move, or stuck...i never had this so i have no clue..but how he says it feels....
Good morning Angie! Good morning everyone else! many scopes does this make Ed already? You may want to ask his doc about giving his stoma some steroid injections. That's how they finally got mine to quit closing up. If the doc is uncertain about this, refer him to Dr. Gupta. I'm sure she wouldn't mind explaining it to him (as far as what drug, how much, and where exactly injected). I do feel for him going through this.
I guess since I get up and come straight to work, DST doesn't bother me. It's dark when I come to work in the winter, so why not be dark when I come into work during the summer too. It's nice it staying light later because it gives me a chance to get some walking done around the neighborhood before the sun goes down. Now if only the weather would co-operate with my walking endeavors!!!
You all have a great day!!
ed has had scopes for the ulcer, this will only be his 2nd should this be what it is...for the stoma...i doubt they would use the steroid at this guess anyway...
he is weighing in at 235 maybe...and it is like something is gonna have to be done to STOP his weight loss....and sure is not gonna be from eating cos he is still 2 oz of full liquids...he has very few pounds to lose till he is gonna be looking like he is starved....and gonna be on those posters of people with no food...
Morning All,
Hope everyone had a grand joyous easter. Myself? I raided my mother's closet to find out I now wear a size 14/large in pants. Made the temptation of that dang easter candy more easy to avoid.
Seeing Dr Clark today at 1.
Washing and packing up many summer pj's for the exchange as well as planning the food I'll take. I'm making a bulgar salad and some crab quesadillas. I"m also bringing some name tag stickers. I know as the new person at the last exchange it was intimadating not to know who everyone was or remember names to faces, espically when pictures on here aren't always updated to the person's new look.
I just washed a couple MORE loads of clothes for the exchange yesterday, and folded them all up. I can't wait to get some new old clothes! Even though I'm still wearing the same size I was before, at least now most of my 28s aren't cutting off my circulation and I'm no longer afraid to sit in them. Hopefull by this time next month I'll be back in a comfy 26. Whoever thought they would WANT to wear a 26? LOL
well i may go with you to see dr clark....LOL...
oooooh the name bades are sure needed...I felt like the newbee, not knowing who was who..and heck i am still confused...LMAO...
i may be coming as a single bed is still packed with clothes...gotta get it cleaned off should ed come home..i just lay claim to the sofa so i have not cleaned it off... beware of dog and cat hair and wrinkled clothes, you will know those came from me...i did take some of the top ones off and they are in the laundry i hope i get them is my only day off till then...
Hi everyone,
I am at the Library so I can get on the internet & say HI! Only 5 more weeks before Hubby retires, then I can get on it whenever I want-
I have found since DST I am sleeping later! Too dark to get up- my mind tells me.
I hope we go back to what we had!!
Angie, Tell Ed hi, & hope he gets better quick so he can get home! I sure am praying for you.
Keep on keeping on girl. You are doing so good.
See you all at the clothing exchange.