Support group tues.
"Hi Everyone,
just received an email from Brenda, she is working with OH on the seminar, asked some questions, found out some answers....
There will be speakers both days, the hotel contract has still not been signed, however she said she thought the rooms were around 120.00 a night, also if we go through her the seminar cost would be around 75.00, she is also working on putting together some sightseeing info that we could do on our own if we would like, as well as, she stated that there will be a masqquerade ball in the evening, and that the dr.'s speakers will be attending the ball. I have asked her to send me several registration forms and told her about the clothing exchange in hopes to be able to have them there for anyone interested in going, keep in mind though she did say that the registration deadline with her is May 1st....
Hope this helps, let everyone know more as I hear back from her!!!
Hope to see everyone at the clothing exchange!!!! 16 more days till we meet or meet again!!!
HUGZ DAWN in Indy!!! "
I am planning on being at support group unless my son has his spinal surgery on Teu. and I somehow cant make it..
But yes, If you dont see me then bring it to the clothing exchange on the 22nd.
I am filling a bunch of bags with the stuff i have collected from the last exchange to pass out at the exchange.. They will help. Thanks for not throwing them away... I know we get so sick of something the first thing we think of is throwing them thru the first window we see.. Variety is the spice of life!!