Happy Beautiful Saturday All!!
Morning Everyone!
I do so love these fresh mornings! The air smells so delicious and the birds are singing!! The storms last night were awful here...I have never in my life seen it hail for over 20 minutes straight! It was in size from a dime to a ping pong ball here! After it was gone...Jon opened the garage door and there were piles of ice looking like snow where the storm blew it into the garage door! Unreal! But this morning is Gorgeous!! I am 10 weeks out now and as of this morning I am down 57 pounds. It feels wonderful! I am so happy with the results of surgery and feel like a huge burdon has been lifted in my life. Jon and I have been so lonesome for Vegas....we have been scanning the airlines for weeks looking for a good flight....well low and behold....yesterday..I found an unbelievable deal and yes...you guessed it ....we are off to Vegas in 24 days. It will only be a short trip for 6 days but we are so excited about going back. We started going there 3 years ago for our anniversary in May and ususally go about 4 times a year. With my surgery this year, I used some of my vacation days and didn't think we would go until our long trip in October. We love to stay downtown and have our own little routine. It is a special place for us and I am really looking forward to just sitting on our balcony reading or lounging by the pool. I have got to get a new swimsuit....my old one finally fell apart from too many hours in the Vegas Sun...lol maybe one of you will have one at the exchange in a 22-24. No Bikinis.....yet.....lol Well Beautiful People I am off here to get a start on this Glorious Day! You all have a Fantastic Day!

I have a beautiful bathingsuit that includes a wrap that is a size 22 that I'll bring for you at the clothing exchange. I bought it in Florida way before my surgery.
It is indeed a gorgeous morning. I'm cleaning up from the storm. As some of you might have heard from the news. Crawfordsville did get hit by a tornado last night. Most of the damage is uprooted trees and some limbs. The biggest damage was a Wabash College roof. My son was with his father in Roachdale and called me all panicky. Poor kid thought he had lost his mommy. I managed to settle him down though.
I see Dr Clark this Monday and I'm eager to share with him my current weight of 205 lbs. Ms Emily if you are reading this - I read your latest update and you are doing UNBELIEVABLE!!!
And incase I don't get a chance to say it later I'll do so now - Everyone have a joyous loving Easter with your families.
Darn that hail. I felt like I was the middle kernel in a giant bag of microwave popcorn.
I'm really sore today, as I spent ALL DAY yesterdya planting flowers and doing yard work.... this morning.... all the flowers i planted yesterday are SHREDDED. So as nice as it was, I couldnt get out there and do anything, because evertime I open my door I see massive shreds of tulips, and it breaks my heart.