wait is over
And 'A' is for.....
I think alot of us has been down that road. Be more stubborn than the insurance company. Find out why you were denied and build up your case on why they should reverse their decision. Contact your insurance to officially appeal their decision & ask about their appeal process.
Don't give up! Find out why they denied you. Could be they just need a little more information. I think more people get denied than approved the first time. I totally expected to get denied and I did. Had to complete the 6 month supervised diet thing and then they approved me. I have heard that many times. Get every medical professional that you see to write letters recommending that you have this surgery.
Don't give up. do what Sherri and others said. Sometimes I think these insurance companies will do this just to see how bad you really want it. I mean if you don't want it bad enough to fight for it you probably don't want it bad enough to succede it you get it. FIGHT. It is so worth it. YOU are worth it!
Whinney how long did it take you to get to the place you are in today with your weight? And you are willing to give up after one try???? Besides I need you around when I get stupid and need a kick in the butt. Stop being the victim...FIGHT!!! Besides look at the army you have behide you...we are here to back you up. I am inspired by women who have fought over a year to have this done. Now pull yourself together! We have a battle to win! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!
What were the specifics as to why they denied? You definately need to appeal. I was denied the first time, and it is pretty common to get denied the first time around. I work in Logansport if you would need any help just e-mail me and I can give you my #. I have a copy of my appeal letter if you would like to use it as a format.

I am new to posting here, but just had to reply with some new information I just learned. I am a health insurance attorney, and I'm also insured by Anthem and awaiting a long-overdue pre-determination decision as we speak (submitted Feb. 27). Whinney, if you were denied based on the "18 months of physician-supervised weight loss attempts" provision of the Anthem plan, you may be saved by a brand new change in the law. Just this session, the Indiana legislature changed the Indiana mandates related to bariatric surgery. The law previously allowed this 18 month provision, but has been changed to a 6 month provision effective July 1, 2006. That means that if you've been going to your doc since January, once July gets here you should meet the requirement. After July 1, the law says that insurance companies covered by state law (non-ERISA plans) can no longer require the 18 months.
I'm thrilled with this news,
and I'm happy to help out anyone that needs more information in pursuing an appeal on this basis. I will post this on a separate thread as well, but wanted you to know it just in case it applies to you specifically.
Best of luck!