Birth Control and WLS
OK one more questions I swear!! I believe I read in another forum you have to be off of birth control 3 months before surgery? Does this sound correct? Do you know why so long? Also how long till you can go back onto birth control?
I have been on the pill for so long I almost can't imagine being off of it! Definetly not ready for babies any time soon.
No I was not off the birth control pill at all before surgery. They even told me to make sure I brought it to the hospital with me. I took my birth control pill even the day that I had surgery. I can't remember if I took it that morning or if I took it that evening sometime after surgery. I hope that helps.
I love that! Baby phobic!!!
Something you might want to consider....
Due to malabsorbtion, many women post-op aren't as protected as they think they are. You may want to talk to your GYN/pcp about switching to the shot. My sister had to. I was fortunate and had that possiblity removed a year pre-op. Now, THAT is baby phobic!! LOL!

Who needs the Pill???? Not me!! I use the Mirena. It is an IUD, and I should be their spokesperson. It is WONDERFUL!!!!
It is a plastic IUD unlike that horrible Copper-T. It also emits a small amount of hormone.
If you have any questions about this, please get in touch!!! It is a great choice for a woman who can't remember the pill (like me)!

Hi I have 3 children two girls and a boy ages 3 1/2, 2 1/2, and almost 1 yr. After the girls we were done for a while you know we wanted to at least get one out of diapers or in school. So I was on the pill and got a major surprise when I thought I was having problems went in for a ultrasound thinking it was my endometrosis and surprise I'm 11 weeks pregnant. So now I use the Mirena IUD and love it no monthly visitors and no problems. They said the pill failed because they changed my pill and it messed up my ovulation.
I agree about the IUD. I have a paragard IUD because I'm a breast cancer survivor and can't take hormones. It also is good for 10 years and by that time, hopefully, I will be out of the baby-making business. It's wonderful, I even forget that I have it and except for a little discomfort the first day, I've had no problems at all. I still have my cycles like normal but I don't have to keep track of taking pills.