Hey!! Pedometer co-competitors!!!!
Lisa from Fountain City....
Tammy from Martainsville...
Stacy from Newburg....
We're the four from Indiana competing. Did you notice that we are of the top 3 states as far as number of people competing? VA also has 4 and CA has 5. Any other states represented has 3 or less. Considering Indiana has the most unhealthy city in the US (it was either Gary or Hammond...don't remember which), I think being of the top three is pretty darn good. If one of us wins, we have to be sure we let our man Mitch know, huh?
Anyway, good luck!!

Mitzi from Hawaii anounced this contest about a week ago on the main board. I'll forward you her email addy if you'd like to drop her a note and enter too. There are 61 competitors so far. The contest goes for 2 weeks, beginning tomorrow and you need to email her your steps from your pedometer every day. She plans on sending out an update at 4 pm Hawaii time....which would be 9 pm our time (I think). She hasn't said what the prizes will be, but it sounds like there will be several.
Darrah & anyone else interested....
Drop me an email through here so I'll have your addy to forward Mitzi's email to. Be quick though...it starts tomorrow! If Angie & Darrah do, we will be the most represented state!! Woo-hoo!! Denfinately will have to let Mitch know about that somehow!! LOL!!