i hate the wait
i mailed my info in on 2/13 and guess what still no anwsers. when i a call they tell me they are a couple of weeks behind now all the sudden it is 4 weeks behind.the ladie i speak with stephanie is so rude. and every time i call she cont to tell me when we have a anwser we will call your doctors office. today i asked her what is the time limit and she never gives me one and no one else ever has a straight anwser. i just want to cry ,my nerves are shot but i guess i will enjoy the nice day lol. thanks to everyone for the support you are all

I really cant tell you how many times I have called , someday's it has been two or three times , steph said YES we have your paper work but we are 3 weeks behind it will be that long b4 you have an answer , at that time I still called daily and it wasn't even in the computer's period just sitting on someone's desk waiting to be picked up , so yesterday morning around 8am there time I called and said I wanted to check on my approval for gastric bypass surgery , so the lady looked in the computer and said it was in the computer under review . I'm like WOW I'm getting somewhere for it to be in the computer means I'm close so she said I should have an answer by mid next week , I wont hold my breath cause this went from haven an answer within 48 hours to weeks .... ( but I never did say my Dr's office sent the paper work in , I waited 6 weeks b4 calling and they didn't even have it etc. so until those people tell you yes I have it right here they don't) just keep calling and after then .. we have that right !!!
When they say YES it will have been worth all this torture, and ill be able to sleep lol cause I'm telling you my mind jus worries about the yes or no and when ill get an answer. hugs and I'm sorry this sucks ..