Info... on Lexington, Ky OH Seminar
Hi Everyone,
Just got off the phone with Dr. Monica Ganz from the OH site, asked about rate info for the seminar, as well as the correct dates....
October 27-28
if you go individually it is around 75.00 per person , however if we have a OH support Group leader in our group, which since I am fairly new post-op, I wasn't sure if anyone out there is, DEB? Sherrie? anyway if so the price goes down example 10 people is 70.00 or OH group 67.00
15 people 67.00 or OH group 65.00 and it continues to go down a little more as the group becomes larger, keep in mind this fee is for the seminar only, she said she doesn't have a signes contract yet with the hotel to give those prices yet, but should the end of next week, so anyone still interested, I am, would love to go! I also checked out some info on the speakers and they seem very intersting, definitely some good info that I will be needing!!
Hope this helps....ANYONE INTERESTED????
CLOTHING EXCHANGE__24 more days!!!! YEAH!!!!
I'm interested in going. I forwarded the info to Bill and asked him what he thought but he hasn't given me a response yet. Do others plan on bringing their spouse? I have a SUV so if I go (which I should know if it will be just me or me & Bill by this weekend), others are welcome to hitch a ride. Technically, it seats 7, but with suitcases, I would say 4-5 adults would be more like it.
The seminar's schedule for Saturday, the 28th is listed online. Is anything going on the 27th? Or are people on their own that evening?
I'm not an OH support group leader. Any idea what that entails to become one? I think Deb would make an excellent one if she has time and is willing.
I am not really sure about the 27th, I called the 1-866-957-4636 ext 385 #, that is how I got ahold of Dr. Ganz, she states that to find out more info on the OH support group leader to go to the OH and there is more info, I know it involved several training classes and brochures, but not too sure of ALL of the details! YES, I too think DEB would be a great person for this, HEY DEB ARE YOU READING THIS??? LOL!! HELLO DEB....
Anyway I would love to go, I am not sure about my husband although I think he may be more interested in going if other husbands go, let us know what Bill says and as far as I go, I can let you know from there, sorry I can't be of more help, yet!!!
Thanks for your reply, though!! I look forward to going! Hope to see ya at the Clothing Exchange too!
If no one (oh Deb...) expresses interest by this weekend, I'll check into becoming a group leader Saturday. Between work, home, coordinating the making & distributing of newbie baskets, coordinating clothing exchanges, Deb may feel like she has enough to juggle...and that would be very understandable if that's the case. So pressure sweetie. Besides, I could use it here at work as well since we try to have support meetings here. The person who had been coordinating them, I'm sure, wouldn't mind if I offered to do it for her. If someone else has a strong desire to do this, let me know..ok?
Thank you for checking into this Dawn. I am hoping to come to the clothing exchange. Unless my weight starts moving again, I won't have much to bring with me this round. Oh! I have to remind my mother-in-law! She wanted to clean ot her closets before then. I'll have to search my Splenda recipe book for a new SF munchie. Is there one scheduled for the summer and fall yet? I should have plenty for those two. I need to hit some dollar stores for some basket goodies too!!
Hi Everyone,
I am so glad people are responding
, I think this will be very fun and exciting!!!
Sherri, I also would be interested but I don't know alot about it, yet! My support groups are weekly at Community North, and right now we just kicked off my son's major's baseball team's season, which hubby is manager, coach and I am team mom and rep, so we are pretty busy right now
, and I can't forget fitting in the Clothing Exchange, right before opening day! BUT, I wouldn't miss the exchange, I can't wait to see everyone and see others successes as well as get some new goodies!!!LOL
I hope I didn't offend you,
I know you do alot for all of us already
, so I didn't mean to sound pushy or seem pressing, I just beleive your heart is in the right place and you would do a great job and you are loved by so many of us already, so it just seems like you would have alot of support group members already in place for you if you chose this route because WE love ya already
!!! SORRY!!!
Anyone else interested in going??? Let's keep this growing!!!
See ya all at the EXCHANGE!!!

Hi Jana,
I am planning on going, I am waiting to sign up because of the hotel contract not being signed yet, they said that should be done by the end of next week!
If you are interested in meeting some of us prior to this convention, we are having a clothing exchange Aprill 22 from 11-2, it is very fun , we will have a pitch-in and a little time for socializing and then we are off shopping for some new non baggy clothes, YEAH!!!!
If you need more info e-mail me, I am hosting this event this time, it will be at
Southwood Baptist Church
501 S 4th St
Beech Grove Indiana 46107
bring a wls friendly side dish, clean and still in good shape clothing to exchange with others,and a before picture, we all like to see everyone's successes!!!
Hope to meet ya there, if not then at the convention!!!