advice???? I'm 6 days out. My pain is pretty ok, except for in one of my incisions. It kinda stings if I move a certain way or cough. I had HORRIBLE nausea while in the hospital and they gave me stuff to try to help. Ice chips did the best. Now I'm home and trying to get the protein in either with milk products with protein additions or isopure. I feel like I get nauseated on and off every day. NOTHING sounds good except for crackers and I'm not supposed to have those for 3 more weeks. I have a bit of drainage from my sinuses, so that might be it, this is how I usually feel when I try to cut down my carbohydrate intake, so it might be that.......I dont' know. I feel myself getting a fever on and off daily, too. I take my temp in the morning and it's fine and then when I can feel the "hot flashes" I call them, I check and it's a little over 100 degrees. I guess deep down I know that I should just call the doctor and see what he says, but something is keeping me from it. Any advice, or ideas?????
I felt great in teh hospital, then when I came home, everyday i felt a little worse and a little worse. I had to have Dr. Cacucci call me in some anti nausea medicine, and like you my temperature went up to just over 100 degrees. Do you have to JP drain out yet? That made all the difference in the world for me. 30 minutes later i was feeling much better, and actually got all three meals in for the first time.
Whatever you do, just make sure you talk with your doc. The only insicion issue i had was just some tenderness at my drain site, that went away when it was removed.
Thanks, Darrah! No drain. It's pain between my belly button and that opening just to the left of it. I'm trying the tea right now to see if that helps. I think that I'm just gonna call Dr. Evanson tomorrow and see what he says. I don't know why I'm so worried to call, maybe just that I'm scared that something is wrong.
Hey Sweetie it is normal to have pain on the left waist. They run a steel pipe about the size of a broom handle thru the far left incision and all the work is done basically thru that. They load the stapler and equipment in there. They run the rod thru your muscles.... mine was sore and tender for several weeks. It always felt better if I just placed my hand over it with a little pressure when I was walking, etc...Call your Dr so you will have peace of mind...they would want you to call with any questions. Take care sweetie and know you are in our thoughts!
Are you wearing your binder??? How did you luck out, no drain tube??
I am with Angie... TMI Marrianne... I liked not knowing better...
JK you are sooo smart!! very informative... I guess if ya got to get a broom stick stuck in ya... an insision is the ay to go..
Honey, if you're worried call the DR.. THAT'S WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR.
Best wishes

Thanks you guys!!! Today is a better day. Decided to try no milk and to get protein from foods and isopure. MUCH better! no nausea today. And totally makes sense about that one point of pain! THANKS!!!! I figured that is what it was!!!!! Gonna keep a watch and make a phone call to doc if I need to. So far so good. Today has been the best day, yet!!!! I'm a little scared typing that hoping to not jinx it! hehehehe! Thanks again for all your help, support, and kind thoughts. This truly is a life changing experience and without those who have gone before and can offer guidance, I don't think that any of us would make it!!!! Thanks again!!!!!