Heading out to St Vincents
Just wanted to let you all know that my good times may have come to the end with my WLS. I heading down to St V's in about and hour or so for a scope. I became so ill Sunday night that I could not keep anything in my system. This lasted all night and the pain was almost unbearable. I have not had any food now for the past 30 hours. On top of that I had cramps in both legs and still can bearly walk from the bed to the bathroom. I will not go into the details of that problem except to say poor Ann. Today it is back in the wheel chair (I hope only temporarily). Ann called St Vincents yesterday and Dr Gupta wants me in there this morning for a scope etc. I am not really looking forward to that. I would guess that I am also dehydrated. I know many of you have gone thru this but this is my first time and a little scared.
Can you all who have had scopes done let me know what to expect. I have never had one and the fear of the unknown gets to me?
Your prayers will be appreciated also.
Dan I have had two scopes and they are nothing at all. I didn't even have a sore throat. The only thing I didn't like about it was the fact that after the procedure I was talking and carrying on just like normal but I don't remember a thing I said or who I talked to. My husband was with me and he told me things I said but I don't remember a thing. I don't like not being in control of myself.
You won't feel a thing. Just relax and take it easy.
I will definetly keep you in my prayers today.
Sending prayers your way ...
I haven't had a scope, but have heard it is not bad at all, just as the others have said, so on that note, hang in there and wish ya well!
Tomorrow is your Birthday...sssooo..
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Dear DAN
Happy birthday to you....
Hope your feeling better soon!
Can't wait to see you and Ann at the next clothing exchange!!!!

Hi Dan...I'm sorry that you are having a hard time...I hope you get to feeling better SOON!!! I'll keep you and Ann in my prayers!!! As far as the endoscopy goes...it's nothing at all to worry about...I've had 5 unfortunately!!! All they do is hook you up to the blood pressure cuff, and then start an IV for you, you go into the room, they give you a lil medicine, which will put you into a twilight sleep, just long enough for them to check everything out. They'll go in with the scope, check you out, you'll go back to the recovery area and within minutes you'll be awake...I'm not saying you'll remember everything once you awake, I get really loopy, but everyone is different!!! Nothing at all to worry about it's a breeze!!! I'll be thinking about you...everything will be fine!!! "HUGZZZZZ" ~~~Shari
I may be the endo Queen on our Indiana board with 15 of them. I know on other places there are a few people with more. The most I read about I think had like 25 of them. I had asked about the stats one time. I was told that about 20% of post-ops will need an endo. And if they need one, they usually need 2-3 (to follow-up on the findings of the first one). A handful of those (I wasn't told the percentage, but based on my observations, maybe 5% of that 20%) will need multiple endo's.
The worse thing for me really is the IV. The first time you have one, Dr. Gupta will probably tell you that when she tells you to swallow, swallow. I about freaked out when she told me that. But...no, you don't remember her telling you to swallow, the camera going down, or anything else. Technically, you are awake. Reality, you don't remember a darn thing. I know there's a few cases where that isn't the case, but the majority of people are like that. Dr. Gupta will inject one syringe of the good stuff in your IV and about a minute later, will ask you if you are getting tired or feeling it yet. About the time that you decide you are going to say 'nope, not yet', you're out. You 'wake up' thinking 'did I already ask that?'. At least, I do each time. I talk in a loop during that time and drive my family nuts for 30 minutes-an hour (mine goes: 'how big was I?' was there an ulcer?','did they give you the pictures?', let me see the pictures.'....'how big was I?'....I've had problems closing up & have had ulcers). You MAY get a little bit of a sore throat. I didn't the first time, but after that, I usually went home to a couple of sf popcycles and then I was fine. Also, the first few times, I went home and was wide awake like I had a nice little nap. After that though, my body must have gotten worn down because it started needing to go home and sleep most of the rest of the day.
And yes, there are complication that can happen during an endo...but those happen to a minority of patients also. The balloons used to dilate the stoma back open (if it's closing up) can pop from staples. Effect? Lots of burping when you wake up to remove air. In very RARE cases, a perforation can occur. They tell you these things prior to the endo so you are aware that it is possible. As I said, they are rare, but they do happen (I'm proof of that).
Most common findings during an endo are:
Closing up of the stoma: It gets dilated back open while you're out
ulcer: Be put on meds to get rid of it
loose staples: they will be removed
nothing: could be the flu, brochitis, eating too fast, intollerance to a food group (like dairy), etc.
Hope this wasn't TMI. If I wasn't able to keep anything down, I'd call Sue in a heartbeat and get a 16th scheduled.
Good luck and I'm sure you are going to feel 100% better tonight!