Hi there, Hoosiers!
I'm pretty sure no one here would remember me, it's been almost a year since I've visited the Indiana board... It used to be a pretty quiet place and so I kind of made my surgery month board and the main board my home. But, I thought I'd pop in and see what's up in here and say "hi!"
I hope everyone is doing well wherever you are in your journey!
Becky Sue

I wish I would have been able to take advantage of the exchange a few months ago when I was going through sizes so rapidly! My schedule is so screwy I've never been able to get down there. We've tried doing them up here but nobody really has stepped forward to organize one. I've given the bulk of my clothing to GoodWill and taken some to support group meetings as well. The other day, I was shopping in GoodWill and saw some of my own clothes!

Welcome back to the Indiana boards...we always have stuff going on-would love to see northern Indiana start some clothing exchanges. When I started them in Nov 2004 here in Indy...I didn't know if anyone would come....but they did and they have grown to every 3 months. I love the people down here who pitch in and help everyone...it's great!!!
Happy journey...ya almost there!!!!!!!!!
RNY 7/28/04
Hi Becky long time no see lol.How have you been?Your look great girl congrates.We had our surgeries last year about the same time mine was a fews weeks before yours but none of us look the same anymore and thats a good thing.But I just wanted to say hello and congrates on your weight lose.
Armilda Williams