though any more what day it is makes no never mind to me..if i work iwork if i don't i go to community south...but today i hope to get the call to "come get me"....but that is questionable....he started having some left side pain and a scan was done and then fluid removed from the area....no idea what it is ed said it was near where his spleen had been...as of 930 last night he was not able to find out what it was...every day i get about 4 bills in the mail i just put'em in a pile...a couple of them i need to call since we changed insurances...i left work early yesterday...started with a head ache, would not go away then i felt sick so i went for an early lunch and laid on the sofa and had to call in...i stayed there....darn but if i still do not have this head ache...but i would chill and get hot....that was that..no bath room going..I did get the trash out for the trash man...

Just checking in and say Mornin` All.
Angie, you and Ed have been in my prayers every night for the past few weeks.
Short Update: Went to see Dr Clark at the St Fran South Campus (his main office) and got a fill. Also my dad called with semi good news - it looks like some of the cancer is going into remission on his liver, however his left lung and left main artery look uneffected at all from the chemo and radition. I'll be in TH this weekend as my son's Special Olympic team is playing in the state finals there in basketball.
YAY, it's Friday!!! It will be a long day, but I'm looking forward to the weekend with my sweet husband! Also, I'm meeting a couple of WLS friends for lunch & chat tomorrow! (one is Connie)
I hope you're feeling much better today, Angie, and that Ed gets to come home. I bet it will be such a relief to have him home!
have a wonderful vacation, Ellen & Courtney!!
Hugs from the south!
Good morning all!
I've had a really busy week at work this week so I am very glad it's Friday! But...have a busy weekend planned too. In the morning, my daughter & I are running to the license branch. Gotta get a title switched over. Then...tomorrow night, hubby & I are invited to a party on the south-side. Then...Sunday afternoon, my mother-in-law, step-daughter, and I are going to a bridal shower for Bill's niece on the NW side. Whew! Busy, busy!! Tom-Tom is going to be used this weekend!
Bill is still talking about us going to Vegas again the week of July 4th. We mentioned it to his mom and she'd like to join us I think. She's 81 and loves to travel...but won't alone. So this would probably be her last opportunity to go to Vegas. I really have one gem of a mother-in-law and I know the trip would be very enjoyable with her along. I'm hoping she can talk her best friend into joining us so she has someone her age group to hang around with while Bill & I go take care of our stuff. She said that if we left her at a slot machine that she'd be happy till we got back...and she would be. But everyone needs someone nearby to get excited with if they win or to sympathize with if they lose.
I hope you all have a terrific day! Have a great weekend as well!
ps....Been trying to get AT LEAST 10,000 steps in a day. Feels great!

Happy Friday everyone,
I went to see Dr.Mandelbaum yesterday. At 5 weeks I am down 35 pounds. Everyone says that is really great, but for some reason, I'm thinking yeah, it's okay, but not overly excited about it. I think it's because I have got sooo much to lose.
I am excited about our vacation to the smoky mtns on June 3rd! Staying in a mountain top luxurious cabin.
Can't wait for warmer weather.
Hope that everyone has a great weekend.