Drain Tube??
I have so many questions and eveyone has been such a big help here. Next question regarding RNY.....I have been reading where some have a drain tube after surgery. What is the purpose for this? Why do some have it and some don't? I have type 2 diabetes and since talking with the doctor on Thursday I have decided to have the RNY instead of the Lap Band due to the fact that it would benefit me and the diabetes the most. Thanks to all who passed along the information. I am reading the boards and writing down questions as I go so I hope you don't get tired of all my questions. Thanks Marianne for giving me an idea of what to tell my boss about what kind of surgery I will be having.
Virgo Girl
A JP Drain is a long soft rubber hose laid around the tissues inside your body near a surgery site. The purpose is to suck out extra fluids after surgery to aid in healing. There is a suction bulb on the outside...which you empty after it fills. Other than it being there....you won't notice it much (except when it swings around and drives ya crazy
) But you will need to secure it with your abdominal binder that you will be given at the hospital....that keeps it from just hanging, thus caushing irritation. It comes out about a week after surgery (if you are using Dr Clark)and if the drainage is minimal).
Hope this helps....you can also read techinal info on it by doing a web search for JP Drain...named after the inventor (Jackson Pratt). Here is a good link if you care to read it.

Deb said everything right... the drain tube is scarey before you get it and just a pain in the butt after you get it... remembering to wear your binder and keeping it secure and you will be fine.. It is when you let it hang and swing around you start getting paranoid.. My Dr had it out the first week checkup... It is about 5 seconds of OUCH to get it out and then when the relief settles you realize alot of the aches and pains have settled down too...I felt 100% better after my tube came out. But glad I had it because it drains excess fluids and potiental infection juice...They put them in for a reason...
Keep the questions coming... you will get the te*****al answers and the heres what I think answers and both will be beinficial!!