It's almost here!!!!!!!
Hey guys. not much longer. I thought that the day would never come. I'm soooooo excited. Just a tiny bit nervous, but VERY excited. Would LOVE to have any of you stop by to say hi if you get a chance. I've kept up with most of your posts and looked at EVERY SINLE ONE of your profiles at least twice. You all have been my inspiration. I'll be at St. V's. Surgery is at 11:00 AM on Wednesday. Not sure if I'll be out Thursday or Friday. Any ideas??? Just curious. Hubby will be with me on Wednesday, but then he has to go to work on Thursday.
We're taking my son to TN tomorrow and meeting my dad and step-mom. They're gonna be taking him back to SC with them and keeping him for 2 weeks while I have surgery and recoup. I'm VERY nervous about that....only b/c this is the longest we've left him with ANYONE. It'll be hard, but I'm sure that I'll be grateful afterwards. He's two and quite a handful.
Wish me luck!!!!!!!! I'll be sure to drop in a note when I get a chance.
Congrats Mel on your upcoming special day! I would guess if all goes well you will probably go home on Friday, I assume you will be a lap procedure. I read your profile and had to chuckle
I am 6 weeks out and feeling great! I felt bad that your co-workers aren't much support for your WLS. I work with really awesome people! They have called me, sent many cards and flowers. One really special gal reads my log weekly to update everyone on my progress. They called me today and told me they can't wait to see me and have been practicing their whistling!
They are too much! Once you have this and the pounds melt off you will feel stronger and maybe be able to enlighten them on what a wonderful, healthy and beneficial surgery you had. Have a good surgery and if you think about recovery....thank the angel nurses for the blistex that they gave me!! It was truly my favorite moment in the hospital!
I was so dry after surgery and she asked if I would like some blistex and then this angel of mercy put some on my lips and it was heavenly. I still smile in thanks every night when I put it on at bedtime. It truly is the little things that mean so much!

Thanks, Marianne! Blistex......I gotta remember to pack some just in case! I was thinking, with it being 6 weeks out, when you gonna put a new pic up in your profile? You've done GREAT!!! and I'm sure that you can definitely tell a difference.
I was thinking, Friday, too. Thanks again for the support!!!!!!
Mel: You will be in good hands with Dr. Evanson. He kept me in the hospital for an extra day because it turns out my stomach lining was on the thin side (that's the ONLY thing that was on the thin side) so I was on just ice chips the day after surgery, and then on the regular diet for two days after that. So be aware it could be longer than you plan. I know how you feel about being away from your son. My boys were 3 and 8 and I am very grateful that my parents and in-laws took over for me for the first week. You won't be able to pick him up and it's very hard to remember that after surgery! Good luck!!!! You will make lots of friends while you're doing laps. Julie -185 lbs
I hav Physical therapy on Thur so doubt if I can get hubby to bring me up to the hospital... They have started being rougher on me and it actually hurts and the pain med is needed!! along with ice.. See My Ortho promised me when I lost 100 lbs he would give me a new knee... here I am just 11 months later recovering from a new knee... soon I wont even walk like a fat lady.. did you know that is an aquired walk you have to relearn the right way???
Best wishes!!!!
Hoosier Looser