Decision to make!
I met with Dr. Clark today and originally had my mind set on the Lap Band surgery. As we got to talking about my Diabetes and BP problems I realized I may be better off having the RNY procedure to help with both of them. My question is for those who have had diabetes and BP problems.......How successful was it in treating them compared to having the Lap Band procedure? I just don't want to have the Lap Band and after a year still be taking insulin shots, oral medication and taking BP medicine. I don't want to regret not having the RNY procedure in the first place. My main reason for choosing the Lap Band is less evasive, shorter recovery time and less time off from work but if it isn't going to be the best choice for my diabetes. Doctor says if I stay on my meds until surgery, keep my sugars down I will have a better recovery and healthier for surgery. My next step is the evaluation. Any advice on this step?
Thanks to you all. I am thankful for finding such wonderful folks here.
Virgo Girl
Sorry, you need to make the decision with your Dr on which is best for you..
I have been fat sooo long and knew I could not meet the ridged requirements for the lap band and knew I needed the invasive surgery of the RNY to get me on track..
Whichever you choose know that there are some wonderful people in the support groups to help you with your journey.
Thanks Linda! I think I already know what procedure is going to be best for me. I'm afraid I would fall back into old eating habits after having the Lap Band and then ask myself why I didn't do the RNY to begin with. My family knows how I am after awhile at being on so many different eating plans over the past 20 years. I am most concerned about the problems I am having before surgery with diabetes and BP and how they will definently change with the RNY. I too need to "get on track" for good this time. I have found so much info on this board and I haven't even had the surgery yet. I am most definently grateful to have so many that I can turn to for help.
Have a good day and don't forget to wear green!!
The question is...are you type 1 diabetic or type 2...type 1 is something you are born with and has no cure...and can only be treated with insulin shots. Just wondering. Most people who are type 2 leave the hospital wihtout ever taking their insulin meds again after RNY. You will have no sugar intake problems after the lapband procedure, therfore you will be able to eat sugar and sweets at will...something to think about. Also...based on your psychological profile...the surgeons can better determine who the better candidates for the lapband are...if the surgeon leans towards is because they do not think you are a good candidate for the lapband due to eating habits or compliance issues. I had Dr Clark and I think he is a very concerned doctor...he truely cares about the outcome of the surgeries and the health and well-being of his patients.
Good luck with your journey

Each person is an individual, saying that: I had been type 2 diabetic for approx 15 years taking insulin and oral meds to keep it under control. Also elevated B/P and numerous other health problems, all of which were completely taken care of. 3 days out of surgery, no more insulin or any of the other 14 meds I had been on previously. Today, (surgery 6/04) I am on no meds at all, blood work is all normal, including triglycerides and cholesterol. I am healthier and happier than I have been in many many years. No one can make your decision, only you for what is best for you. Prayers and hugs coming your way.
I have type 2 diabetes and high bp. In choosing which surgery to have, one of the most important factors for me was the total amount of weight lost by the average patient. According to the statistics Dr Clark gave me, Lap Bands average 50% of their total excess weight lost, while RNY's average 80%. The other was the idea of having to wear the band for the rest of my life. I figure my body will heal from the incisions to my stomach and intestines, but having a foreign object in my body forever was an uncomfortable thought.
Like you, I want to get rid of my diabetes and hopefully my high bp. I figured the greater the weight loss, the more likely that will be. Also, I need the threat of dumping syndrome...I'm definitely one of those people who crave sweets when stressed or tired.
Good luck to you and trust your own instincts about what feels right for you.