I Feel like crap....
Ugh I feel like crap today nausea as soon as I woke up and I have a weird pain in or around my pouch. I talked to Jill ( surgeons nurse ) thinking it might be a stricture and she said probably not or I wouldn't be able to drink or eat without it immediately coming up. So she thinks it might just be some irritation. So I'm taking mylanta for it, it helps but only temporary, so I'll be getting some Tagament today,it seems to bother me all the time. I'm sooo draggy no energy whatsoever,seems like if I'm not in bed I'm on the couch. I don't think I'm getting enough protein in, it's so hard with the limited choices of food. There has bound to be better days..
I'm supposed to get between 100 and 130 grams of protien a day. There is no way I could do that with food - I was told to not even try. I work hard on getting protien drinks everyday. I blend one cup skim milk, 1/3 cup powdered milk, 1 package Carnation Instant breakfast, and one scoop of powdered protien from GNC. A couple of ice cubes and blend on high. Works out to be 37 grams. This drink takes about an hour and a half to drink, mostly because of the foam. I have one between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner. I've found that this drink is not good after dinner because it triggers the acid reflux at bedtime when I drink chocolate this late. I have the Protidiet drink after dinner. So 37 times 2 plus 30 from a two pack Protidiet drink works out to 104 grams without counting food. If I have oatmeal for breakfast, apple sause and mashed potatoes for lunch that means little if any protien so far. I'm three weeks post op and I feel fine. I went back to work Monday. I also take Previcid everyday for heartburn/acid reflux. That helps.
Good Luck
Usually with strictures, you feel the pain durring or imediately after you eat. Once you throw up, pain's gone. It feels real similar to not chewing up your food well enough, eating too fast, or eating too much. Since you are experiencing the pain without eating, I would agree with Jill. The pain...does it ease up a little after you eat? If so, it could be an ulcer. An ulcer is an irritation....but often, they need help clearing up. Try keeping a journal as to when it hurts more/less. This can aid the surgeon in determining what the issue is. If it continues, call Jill back with this info. You may need an endo to determine if it is an ulcer. Meds usually take care of ulcers. In the meantime, avoid acetic foods/juices (tomatoes, ketchup, OJ) and caffiene. My first ulcer was due to caffiene.
Do get your protein in. You need that. As early out as you are, most of your protein should be coming in liquid form. There are some decent protein shakes out there. I made the shake mentioned in the other reply (sorry, I forgot your name
) but I kept out the CIB and added a pack of sf jello (lemon or lime flavors was my favorites).
Let us know how you are doing.

Thanks ladies and gentleman for the input. I went to the dr this morning and he did prescibe the medication for me Debbie, didn't even have to ask him about it. Yes Angie I am getting my B-12's in. The pain seems to be all the time, not just when I eat or drink and it doesnt really let up after I eat. He also gave me a prescribtion for Zoloff (sp) and something to help me sleep at night. He said my incisions looked great. He does want me to have an ultrasound next week on my gallbladder just to be on the safe side. And last but not least he wants me to have a biopsy on a mole on my back, says it looks a little dark around the edges. Gee****hink thats all lol.
P.s. according to his scales I'm down 22lbs weeee