Went to GYN today
Hello everyone, well I went to the gny today and to talk about what and when she was going to take out. I was hoping for May, but she has me in her book for sugery on Tuesday,
I was hoping a little later so I could get some money saved up but oh well, I am having a hard time working a full week right now any way. I ask how much all this would way, hoping maybe 3-4 pounds. LOL but she said not even 1/2 pound .I will see if I could get her to take a little fat out too, but I don't think she would do that, she is going to call Dr. Evanson to check and see if could mess something up for my wls, I will be going to St. V in Frankfort. I have never been there before hope they are good. Talk to you all later this week , I so much to do, my house is a mess. and need to clean things up before Tuesday.
Lisa B

Good luck Tuesday. Did you find out how much they plan to take out? I had my hysterectomy in 2003. They left the ovaries to keep me from going into menopause too quickly ...but I don't think they were doing much by then anyway. Also, if they keep the ovaries, they can go up inside of you instead of having to make any incisions. You are still sore, yes. Afterall, they do alot while they are in there. I was the most sore on my right butt cheek. Come to find out, while my GYN was in there, he decided to put things back where they belong (tailbone down and cervex pushed back up). I guess childbirth can reverse the natural position of things. Anyway, they have to connect the stitches they use to put things back somewhere. For me, it was in the tissue of the right cheek. So...if your butt is unusually sore, that is most likely the culprit. It took about 2 weeks for me to be able to sit comfortably. On the bright side, I have felt so much better since having it done!!
Is there going to be an urologist in surgery too? Mine was. He put in a uretha sling. It took care of the stree incontinence issues. The only post-op problem I had with that is that you have to keep the catheter in awhile longer. They took it out after a week but the uretha wasn't ready to cooperate so I had to have it put back in and keep it in a second week. I've been able to sneeze and stay dry every since.

Best of luck sweetie,
I had mine out 24 years ago and dont miss a thing.. had the overies out too... on estrogen for a couple years but that made things worse for me so just went thru the change.. want bad when most of the "change" was done surgiclly...
Mine was hip to hip and hurt some but what the heck I was tradeing a little pain for a life of no PERIODS!!! YEA!!!
Dont know where that hospital is but bestof luck!!!