dang it eddie up date
eds leak is still leaking they had him drink some grape juice and it came back out the jp drain not much but some..though he also did not have much...not sure if this is gonna mean more surgery or not and hope to find out today...and get it done so he can get home and on the road to getting better and back to life...this has gotten me worn to a frazzle let alone him and being in there, and i know he is sure ready for a shower and what have you as well...i have just had it with his daughter and his ex...they can both kiss my A$$ I am done and i am over it....they need to get a life one far far away from me....some people you give an inch to and they take a mile...i was none to pretty last time i spoke with his ex...and i sure meant business....I never want to see either of them again in my life time....or my after life for that matter...and should they ever call here and i answer i am hanging up.. i owe them no respect and they ain't getting it....the ex needs to stand back and know she is an ex for a reason...gave her an inch and she took a friggin mile....(her son passed and she has no other in her life and i reached out and sure the heck blew up in my face cos i see now exactly what her plan is and she can forget it) she called one friday night at 1130 to talk to ed who was in bed..telliing me she had a panic attack thinking he was going to die...ain't none of her damn business....i am sure not in a good mood this morning for sure...she told ed as soon as he got out of the hosp i was leaving him...well that is not at all what i said to her...i did say to her if that was the only way i had to get her and her B!+ch daughter out of my life i sure would....but he told her if i said i was getting a restrainig order that his daughter had best to see and understand what that will mean...(she left a voice mail stating i needed my throat slit) can you believe she said a word to him while he was in there? now i see and understand a lot of why he was depressed and not healiing....i may just have his phone removed from his room till he gets out...
prayers for ed he heals and back home real soon....and prayers for me dealing with all these dumb A$$'s
That's ridiculous.
Do these people not realize that this is the LAST thing you and Ed need right now? I would go ahead with the restraining order- it's complete bull**** for someone to EVER leave that kind of message or say something like that.
Many prayers for you both, its been such a rough time for you guys.
oh i know but see, finally i am putting my foot down on this and i did tell the ex it was time for him to make a choice, oh she has said and acted any way she so pleases all her life and what i told the mother when she told me the daughter was pmsing i said always an excuse always a reason i said that does not cut it with me any longer..and then the day ed had his surgery and she was in fl and to have called me and said the things she did like a mad woman i am over it i am worn out...i mean more to me than to allow this...if her dad meant anything to her other than $$ she would have flown home....and to call me a fat A$$ when she sure had best to check hers next to mine and see which one is the fat one...HA HA...cos it ain't mine
My prayers are with you and Ed both, you sure don't desrve to be going through all of this right now! I look for your updates on Ed everyday, and sure was hoping for better news, as I am sure you are too! Hope he gets better SOON!!!
Is there anyway you could have a code to get through to him and just not give it to the ex and the daughter, just a thought, maybe the phone would be best taken out for a bit until he is better, he sure doesn't need all of the turmoil right now, and if you can't be there 24/7 silence would be good, maybe, just my thoughts, not trying to offend!
Hang in there sweety, you and Ed deserve a break! I will be thinking of you, if you need anything let me know, I am not far from Community South!
Angie, everyone is right you and Ed do not deserve to have to deal with the ex. I would slap a restraining order on her so fast her head would spin. I also think that removing the phone from the room is also needed. Ed does not need her Bull S**T now either.
We continue to lift both of you up in our prayers. This to soon will pass.
I think you are smart to distance yourself from these sad women......It is no wonder she is an Ex!!
I say forget about them and you and Ed take care of the 2 of you. That is what is important right now. I feel so badly that Ed has had more than his share of health problems. I know you are a blessing in his life. I am glad to see you vent your feelings and get them out and now that that is over you can find peace inside. Hang in there sweetie....you are both in my thoughts and prayers!