2 year (minus 1 week) update
Just posting a general update...it's lengthy, so feel free to skim.
I'm a week shy of two years, but since I had some news last week, I thought I'd provide the overall update.
At my peak, I weighed in at 525 pounds. I didn't see that--thinking that I weighed perhaps 350 pounds. I knew I was fat...but I didn't know HOW fat.
When I faced down the fact that I was going to die in a couple of years, I decided to move ahead with this. I was successful at losing some weight before surgery, but knew it wasn't fast enough to stave off some of the damage that was going to happen to me.
So, on March 22, 2004, I had the RnY performed. I weighed 478 the day of surgery.
I can say that the surgery itself has been a dream. I've not had a single issue with the way I've been set up.
The problem was the anesthetic. It turns out I had a genetic reaction to anesthetic that I had no clue about (this was my first surgery ever). LONG story short, I had muscles overheat, liquify, destroy nerves and flood my body with waste material. It threatened to shut down my kidneys and had a significantly higher result of the permanent complication than surgery had.
I spent two weeks in the hospital in the worst pain in my life. Literally.
When I finally got out, I couldn't walk. I had to relearn many basic physical abilities. I had to go through lengthy physical therapy to rebuild the muscles in my back.
You know what? It was absolutely 100% worthwhile. Even with all that. I decided to use the pain to push on and make sure I stuck to the plan. I decided that any time I was tempted by badness, I'd just remember all the fun in the hospital and push the temptation away.
The end results? I now weigh 199 pounds. At 6', that means I'm overweight in BMI, but my body composition (through a Bodpod measurement) puts my fat level at 12.5%--well into the lean/athletic level. To get to the upper range of 'normal' BMI, I'd actually have to have a body fat percentage in the 'barely needed to survive' category. I think I'll just stay 'lean.'
Since surgery, I've participated in a few dozen 5k races--finishing first in my age division a few times (no great shakes, to be honest...but it's nice). I've finished a half-marathon, and I'm looking to improve on that this year. I've taken bike rides longer than 50 miles at one sitting and hope to participate in the one-day 'bike across Indiana' event coming up this summer.
Before surgery, I had to stop on my way to my car from the office.
Lastly, just a few stats:
Weight Day of Surgery: 478
Current/Goal Weight: 199
Waist Before Surgery: 68"
Waist Now: 33"
Shirt Size Before Surgery: 6X
Shirt Size now: Medium
Body Fat % Before Surgery (estimated): 60%
Body Fat % Today: 12.5%
It's been great. Thanks for putting up with this epic message.
All the best,
Eric C.