3 days till rebirth day
Went to the grocery today to get a few thing in for after the surgery. Can't find any sugar free yogurt. Every one of them has some sugar, some just have less than others. What kind should I buy? Any help is greatly appreciated. Also, can't find the sugar free nestle quick. I have tried some different kinds of protein powders but, don't seem to like any of them even before the surgery, so I guess I will be drinking a lot of milk. I am getting excited now. Before I was terrified, but now I am much calmer and more excited. Thanks for all your help and support. I usually read all the posts even though I don't respond much.
Hi Freda~
Wow! You are almost a loser!!
I have not had any luck finding a sugar free yogart.
To be honest with you, I don't think they exist!! Do you have a Krogers near you? They have a great yogart, it is Kroger brand and is called Carb Masters. It is made with Splenda and it has the highest protein content of any yogart that I have found (12 grams). It comes in peach (my favorite), strawberry, raspberry and vanilla. It is a little hard to find, in my area there is only 1 Krogers that carries it. But I highly recommend it.
Your taste buds will change after surgery; protein drinks that I liked before surgery I didn't like after, and vice versa. I've never heard of the sugar free nestle quik, but I did use the no sugar added carnation instant breakfast. Best of luck to you on your surgery. Be sure to keep us posted on your progress.

I survived on milk and cheese sticks until I could actually eat stuff like refried beans, nacho meat, eggs and ham!! Now I eat more shrimp... wow I get to go out alot!!! Hubby loves scallops so I get my shrimp he gets his scallops.
I loved St V Carmel... it ROCKS!! People care there!!! Heck anyone who has gone before you cares!!! You be well and be happy!! Life will begin SOON!!