Good morning everyone!
Angie...I hope today is a terrific day for you & Ed! Lord knows you two deserve a terrific day.
Guess we have a tornado watch out till noon. Don't nobody go getting blown away!
Oh..tried out 2 of my exercise DVD's yesterday. The Fat Burning for Dummies really isn't bad at all. I also added some incline to my treadmill time. Normally, I have it set at 1.0. Yesterday I got it up to 2.5. I didn't feel it so much in my I thought I would....but had a stitch in my side that last most of the evening.
You all have a fantastic day!
Good Morning All!
It is good to see you up and at em Courtney! I have had you in my thoughts and prayers and hope you are feeling better now. This is my last Monday at home as I go back to work next week. It will be a change just getting back into I figure I will be like the NIKE commercial...."Just do it!"
I will get with you later this week Courtney about when we can get together on Saturday......I can't wait to show you my new flabby upper arms!
Yours will look great! Have a wonderful day All!

hello everyone, Yes i made it on, but only cause I had to leave work earlier, the pain I have been feeling the past few weeks with things falling out is just killing me. I hurt so bad to bend over and pick up stuff and have to go p,p, every 15 minus. I am check this site out then going to lie down.. Angie I hope Ed gets to come home soon.
Lisa B
Well I hope Ed is feeling better and hope you are taking care of yourself too. Both of you can't get down and out. I hope everyone is having a great day and hope all is well for everyone. I have been to the doctor today and found out I have lost a total of 44 pounds. hip hip hooray for me. I was feeling down and felt like I was not losing any weight lately but I guess I did lose some.