Sunday Roll Call!!!
UP and ate em people today is the first day of the best of your life... You are loosers... Even if you are presurgery you have already taken the first step to a new and improved you!!!
Read in another post some need a get together on a Sunday cuz they ALWAYS have to work on Sat.. Well this summer we are going to have to plan one on a Sunday!! I cant think of a better way to spend a Sunday then with you loosers..
Good morning Linda! Good morning everyone else!
I was suppose to go get my hair done yesterday and forgot all about it. I did get my 'favorites' organized on my Explorer and taught myself how to use my knitting machine. I have about 10 rows done on a baby blanket. So..the day wasn't a total lost! LOL! I'll probably knit some more today after I do the 3 T's (tan, treadmill, (hot) tub). I had gotten 4 workout DVD's before we went to Vegas that I may check out today too. I'm especially intrigued by the one titled 'Fatburning for Dummies'. LOL!
On the main board, there was a woman who was looking for volunteers to be interviewed about WLS for her college thesis.The volunteers needed to be over 35, female, and at least 1 year post-op. I volunteered and after reading my profile, she expressed interest in interviewing me (gee...was it the revision or the endo's? lol). Anyway, I'll be meeting with her tomorrow night for that. I felt that someone who has had complications should be represented in the report. I'll letyou all know how that goes.
Hope you all have a terrific day.

Good Morning Beautiful People!
It looks like it might just be a beautiful day today! The sun is peeking out so lets hope so!
I think a Sunday meeting would be great! In the summer we are at the track most Saturdays.... so Sunday would work out better for me. I tried some fresh fruits yesterday...OMGoodness they were so DELICIOUS!! I had some watermelon, cantalope, honeydew melon, and a Strawberry.....Also tried some deli sliced ham...I was in heaven. You all have a Fabulous Day!!

Good mornning!!!
I am just going nuts today! Only have 11 more days till the big day! I still haven't come off of my "high" from the time I was approved. My husband can't calm me down. I don't know where the energy has been stored but I feel like I am about to go into labor and I am "nesting" for the big day! Hope you all have a lovely day!!! Can't wait to get to know each of you as I go on my new journey!!
Huggsss and much love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tammy, I know how you feel! And let me tell you it is worth it! I went into it prepared for the worst as far as pain and discomfort, I was so pleasantly suprised that my worst fears weren't even close. The first 2-3 weeks are the worst but I think it is all about attitude! If your Dr. Prescribes you an anti depressant..DO take it! I didn't think I wanted to do it but after 2 days home I was glad for the regulator of my emotions
Your body and emotions have alot of adjusting to do and it really helps. Another gal on here told me how she wore a soft ribbed tank top over her skin under her binder and that was the best information!! It made a world of difference in comfort and I loved it! Best of luck to you Sweetie and hang in there!!! You are soon to be on the ride of your life!! Woooo Hooooo!