Saturday Roll Call
I can't beileve no one has posted yet lol.
I've been sitting at my PC, trying to choke down my vitamin ****tail. I actually feel worse today than I did in the hospital. I still think it's mostly gas pains.the liquid lor tab they prescribed me tastes HORRIBLE and I cant even make myself swallow it. I'm noit really in PAIN, I guess, it just feels like I"m constipated or have the flu, that kind of yucky feeling. I had a couple bowel movements thursday and yesterday, but none since about noon yesterday. I'm going to call the nurses line here in a bit and find out if thats normal.
All the protein I bothered to taste before surgery doesnt taste the same and they are gross!!! So i'm sipping on some milk for right now.
Ironically, I miss the hospital bed.
#1 BEST Wishes girl!!! so glad your home!!
I drank 5 glasses of milk and ate 5 cheese sticks a day to get my protien in... those drinks just suck.. (MY opinion)
Loratab is NASTY... I still have to take it for the pain after my knee surgery... in a bigger medicine cup.. put your dose of Loratab and then put approx an equal amount of white grape juice on top.. (mix together it is easier to swallow)... OMG a nurse showed me that when I had my WLS and made it possible to swallow...
Remember you are not putting in what you used to so what you used to put out in the bathroom will be GREATLY reduced!!! Right at first... then OMG I get rid of 2x as much as I put in... (that is fat)... People think we are melting.... where is it going?? we are flushing it...
Best wishes happy journey!!
ed still goes for days with no BM and i have as well even still, he is not scared to go for fear of blood though as well...
protein sucks, period no matter what anyone tells you....i have yet to get one i think is good, passable is as close as it gets, ed says he just holds his breath and goes for it..i could not even do the pain meds will make you not go.....but that liquid rocks in my book for pain...and i did not think the taste was to bad, now those kids chewables those sucked and so did the b-12 subs they were nothing but nasty
Good Morning Beautiful People!
Darrah I was the same way with the gas and bloating...I called my Dr. and they had me take 2 ducalax to flush my bowels and help get rid of the gas. It helped alot but is a waiting game till your body rids itself of the excess air they pumped in you. I remember thinking much longer do I have to put up with this!!
I wore my binder for the first week home and it helped. If you think the loratab is nasty...girl you haven't tasted anything yet!!
I had to switch to liquid vitamins...OMGOODNESS......that stuff is the worst!! Looks like a urine sample....smells like a urine sample and by golly tastes like one too!! (At least what I would imagine it I have to hold my nose to even get it down.....
The things we suffer to be healthy! I am with Linda on the cheese sticks....I love them and they are so easy to take along if you are on the run and know you will need to eat. They are a life saver for me. I also adore the SF popsicles....YEA! My hubby found a kroger brand that I am nuts about...they are double dipped and in 3 flavors per box (Cherry/Raspberry, Cherry/Lime, Cherry/White Lemonade). I LOVE the white lemonade and cherry!! The lemonade tastes like the lemon shake ups from the State Fair!! When I wake up during the night I grab a popsicle and go sit in the bathroom and read a quiet time
It looks like today is another beautiful day! I hope to get more motivated and get this house together...I start out every day with good intentions ...but...they seem to disolve before I actually get to them!
you all have a Super Saturday!

The first 2 months I drank GNC multivitamins with a cranberry base it really wasnt bad.. then I switched to the CVS Multis.. Dr C was afraid of them coming out whole until I melted one in an ounce of water in 5 minutes..(besides I break it in Half)
I agree... I start out everyday thinking I am going to move more but something happens and my knee gives me fits and I just sitmore... I HAVE to do home PT and keep it bending!!! I am only at 93 degrees and she wants it at 110 by nex week...
So good to see you're home Darrah! I totally agree w/you on the nasty liquid Lortab!! I begged the nurses for the Dilaudid but, they said I couldn't go home on it..LOL I only wish one of them would've told me Linda's trick about adding the grape juice to disguise the taste!!
Try to get out and walk. That is the best way to get rid of the gas. I walked 4 miles in the hospital (over the 2 days I was there) just so it wouldn't build-up. Also, (and this may sound crazy but it works) if you can lay on your tummy for a few minutes every hour. I was an OB nurse for many years and this is how we helped our new C-sections get rid of the gas.
Now as far as the protein goes...good luck! I choke mine down everyday because I have to ..not because I like it. Find some you can tolerate and just get it in. You will heal much faster and your hair won't fall out (well at least not as much) if you keep those protein levels up.
Best wishes,
Lisa D.
Oooh...almost's the drain workin' for you? Let me tell you that is what caused all of my post-op pain. Once that hose came out I was fine! Completely pain-free!!! I've heard that's the case w/most ppl so hang in there girl! Feel free to email me too. I had Dr. Cacucci too!
I had the same problem you have with the lortab, when I was younger and was sick (vomiting) I started coughing and my dad had me take some cough syrup, needless to say I
and after that I can't take anything liquid so they gave me some oxycodeine (sp?) and it helped just like the lortab. And I also agree with the protein, I've tried several different things and nothing is working. Milk makes me gassy and the Isopure gets to tasting like it is nothing but kool-aid made with 6 cups of sugar. But I try to get it in, so far everything is doing o.k. Have you tried the Atkins shakes those are pretty good and tolerable, I just can't wait to get through this six weeks. Have a great day.