Questions about Anthem
I have been receiving my bills in the mail from surgery and before and my psych consults were denied. I have Anthem State insurance and Anthem is stating Magellan does not cover this coverage. Anyone with state anthem insurance have the same thing happen? Is there any appeal to it?
On the by and by, I'm down 65 lbs. since surgery and feeling fantastic!!

Every bill that we have submitted/received has been denied on the first go around even though I was pre-approved. "Policy does not cover obesity care." I have Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Every time we (the wife and I) called the customer service number, waited, answered all of their questions, they resubmitted it through their channels and all the claims have been paid to date, minus the deductible. All the preop stuff, the phych stuff, the lab stuff. The main surgery/hospital bills haven't come yet, but I assume we will need to do the same thing with them, too.