I'm Home, and a REAL Loser!
Well, I guess I know what to be prepared for now.........THANKS!!! Will have to prepare the fam and friends. Funny, though. I wouldn't, UH pass gas in front of my husband until after we got married. My friends and I joked that he wouldn't marry me if I did b/c sometimes it was so bad......so I can only imagine how fun this is gonna be!!!!!!
Glad you're home and doing OK, Darrah!!! I can't wait to see the GREAT progress that you make!!!!!
Great that your home, me to just got home 2pm Sunday. Had my surgery 10am Friday March 3rd. I can relate to the gas going all through me to. It is no cake walk. I to am not sure if the surgery was done. I do have a drain tube and a few small incesions but other than that can not tell a thing. I have not lost a darn thing yet gained 6 lbs though. They say its because of all the fluids they pump into ya. Well glad i have discovered the Indiana message board did not know it was here. Hang in there and the gas shall to pass.