Darrah and Brandie updates
Hi all
Saw Darrah yesterday and she was doing great!!! She didn't even look like she had surgery. Her hubby was there and she was bright and happy and in very little pain. Way to go Darrah!!!!
Also went to see Brandie Mundell and she too was doing fine...her O2 levels were low at times so she has to walk with an O2 tank...but this should be resolved as she walks more and gets the morphine out of her system.
So congrats to both of these wonderful ladies!!!!!

Darrahs gonna be a fox isnt she??? Way to go Darrah!!
Brandie,, you get up and walking!! we want you shinning too!!
I do hope they know it is from ALL of us who have gone before...
Thanks for being the one to go to the hospital... You are special indeed and deserve much more than you get!!! I will be going again soon... I am just soooo sick I cant leave the house except for PT.. and I dont even feel like doing that.. The Dr gave me Augmenton to help kill the bacteria I have causing the upperrespitory and head conjestion... I am just so sick of blowing and coughing....
Awwwwwwwww....you poor thing.....stay inside and get better soon !!!!
The people all love their gift bags and they all always want to contribute after they recover-it's a great program....thank you Linda for thinking of the gift bag/baskets many many months ago...you are an angel.
Hope to see ya at the next get together!!!!