psyche eval coming up....
I am going to have my psyche evaluation in a couple of weeks. The office has sent me a questionaire to answer before I go in. The first page is the basic info about me, but then on the last page they ask "Please circle any of the following problems which pertain to you:" and then it lists; marriage problems,being a parent, separation,divorce, alcohol abuse,drug use, anger,temper,sleep problems, nightmares,relaxation,legal matters,too much energy or too little, family, children,loneliness, education,career choices, stress, memory, inferiority feelings, appetite/eating, moodiness, fears, suicidal thoughts, relationships, finances, work problems, tiredness, ambition, decision making, concentration, troublesome thoughts, urge to repeat actions, nervousness, shyness, depression, sexual problems, self control, unhappiness, health problems, headaches, pain management, stomache problems, and bowel problems. I could circle all these at one point or another. I don't want to go in there and seem like a mental case but questions like these are going to throw a reg flag for me for sure. Should I lie and say oh yeah everything in my life is grand, (NOT) or tell the truth and seem like a total nut job. Oh won't someone please help....
The phsychologists who do these assessments have seen it all and heard it all. There probably isn't anything that you can say that would surprise them. I would be don't have to be brutually honest but they may see right through a lie and that would probably look worse then just opening up. Just my 2 cents!

They are looking for people who will have trouble complying with the required diet after surgery...they just want to make sure you are going to comply and be a good candidate for the surgery. Just be honest and and upfront. But I wouldn't get into much detail. They will interview you and go over the things you mark. Most of us are nut cases

"Most of us are nut cases"
HEY I represent that remark!!!
I agree with Deb.. Yep, It is my opinion anything you mark you can relate back to being over weight.. Tell the guy the truth.. I am depressed because No matter what I do i cant loose.. and when I do loose a pound I gain it back..My marriage suffers because my self esteem is not what it could be/should be if i felt better about my self... Tell the truth.. if I could loose the weight and get a handle on my life again i would work harder never to allow this to happen to me again... I would be able to consentrate on the other factors in my life that need improving.
Just my opinion and you know what they say... everyones got one..