Hi Everyone!! Thoug...
Hi Everyone!!
Thought I would check in and let everyone know how I am doing. The last time I posted I was having a terrible time with my hormones and emotions. I started taking meds for that and now can report I feel much better. Not sure if it is those or smoking again but something has calmed me down
I wish I could have stayed smoke free but I will eventually. I now know I can do it. Just had to get over this little hurdle first. I still struggle with getting all my protein in I can't hardly stomach the protein drinks so I do my best.
I haven't had any other problems to speak of, no pain or discomfort of any kind. I am down 12 lbs which isn't alot, but I'll take it. I was forwarned I would lose slower since I was technically a "light weight" my stretchy, tight size 18 jeans are loosing up on my butt =-D. I used to wash my jeans and hang them up wet to dry because I have an evil dryer and it would shrink them lol but now I can dry them and put 'em on with no probs and they get loose with just a little wear. So I'm excited, that's my "wow" moment for now lol.

"MY OPINION" those protien drinks SUCK!! I drank 5 glasses of milk a day and ate 5 cheese stick.... that will get you to goal on the protien grams and the taste wont kill you!!! I even pur Quick in the milk..
To bad about the smoking but honestly you will heal faster and be more active when you do quit...but NONE of us will hold it against you... The only reason I wont light up again is I NEVER want to go thru quitting again.... X Smoker...(by the grace of GOD) (I couldnt have done it on my own)
Isnt it the greatest to put on a pair of jean after actually drying them in the dryer???? I love it too!!!!
MY Washer eats socks...
Hi Tammy!! Just happened to look at your profile, and saw that you and I had the same doc,, and live in the same town!! Small world or what??
Sounds like you are doing great! Im almost 6 months out and have lost almost 90 pounds!! So it works!
Glad you are feeling better,,hang in there, every day it gets easier!
My major problem nowadays is,,IM FREEZING!!!!!! Lost all tht insulation and now Im always cold! Someone said that lasts for about a year, so I think I can deal with it. Better than being fat!!
Have a great day!!