Probably the gall bladder!

ooh gall bladder is painful...i thought you got sick when you ate? no doubt each person will be diff, i had pain and it would wake me up... bend over pain, weight loss and gall bladders....ouch...its a good thing though, get it outta there and back to being get back to healthy and able to eat and drink
I had mine out a few years ago. Best thing I ever did because that little organ was the devil as far as I was concerned! It'd wake me up in the middle of the night in so much pain I often wondered if it'd hurt less to try to take it out myself.
Turns out I was having more attacks than I ever realized, I'd have small ones during the day that were just annoying....didn't know that's what they were it until I didn't have them any more though.
I will tell you how much a gall bladder can affect your body. I went to my Dr when I lived in Dallas and they did an ekg and thought I was having a heart attack. They called an ambulance and transported me to Baylor Medical Center. I had one of the top heart specialist look at me and said it was a heart attack and put me in ICU and then did a heart catherization on me and found the heart was fine. They then did a ultrasound and discovered my problem was my gall bladder. Took it out the next day and I have not had any problems since.
I was told it is common to mistake gall bladder problems with heart problems since it will throw off an ekg.