To Puke...or not to puke
Okay, I just know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I am just wondering how "abnormal" I am. I puke. All the time. Well, all the time for me is... usually it goes in waves. Sometimes, I puke once per day. Sometimes, not any for weeks... then, sometimes... 3 times per day. It's usually from eating too fast, eating something that was new and just didn't agree with me, or something I should not have eaten.
Sometimes, I think I could probably hold it down, but the pressure from the pouch is just too much and for me it's easier to just puke.
Is this totally crazy??? I know that when I eat mushy foods, fruits, or soupy foods, I don't puke. Even when I chew my food until it's in MICRO SIZE PIECES.... but, I'm so horrible and sometimes, before I even notice... I've swallowed. You would think that 11 months out, I would be figuring this out.
Good news is... I've gone from 301 to 168. That is 133 lbs. I feel great and I take my vitamins and don't feel like I'm lacking anything.
So, how normal am I??? or Abnormal???
First off, let me say girl-
on your loss!!!!Wow, you are doing fantasti****RTIFIED DIVA!!!!
For me, eating to quickly, or eating most meats makes me sick.
I hate to puke, but sometimes it is all you can do.I know when I try a new food, my pouch will usually act up.I hate the pain that comes, believe me! I was told some people have more sensitive tummys than others.
Also, some are more tolerant of certian foods that can be "triggers" to others. I have yet to try lettuce;I have heard from several people how it causes them to get sick. I guess I am still trying to find out what I can & can't do, at 4 months out.I have had a few times of literally running to the bathroom & having diarrea. No fun!!
I hope you that you are able to feel good all the time-soon!

Hey Heather....Congradulations on your loss...your doing awesome!!! As for the puking...I too have run into that problem at different times, but something to think about I have been told is that you run the risk of blowing your staple line everytime you puke because of the force involved. I had my 5th endoscopy last Friday & found out that I had a staple loose, and it had to be removed...needless to say, I'll be EXTREMELY careful even more so than I already have been, so that NO MORE staples come lose!!! That's the last thing anyone needs is to have to go back in because your staple line is blown out because of puking!!! I hope you can get past this because it's really not a good thang!!! Best wishes to you, and keep up the good work!!! "HUGZZZZZ" ~~~Shari
P.S. Because your aware of what causes you to puke...hopefully you can find yourself being more cautious about this, I would hate for you to have further, & more serious problems in the future!!!

Wow! I could have written that post myself! Sounds exactly like what I am doing! I have the exact same problem,,,and its usually from eating too fast. I go days without puking,,then have a day where thats an all day thing, I have to watch on Sundays, cause I go to church twice, so dont eat breakfast before I go ( I have since changed and get up earlier so I can!!) so by the time I eat, Im so hungry I eat too fast,,end up sick all day.
As for lettuce,,I had the problem too,,found out I cant tolerate the lettuce in a bag from the grocery, but can tolerate fresh lettuce. You might give it a try. I finally ate a small salad last night and was so relieved. I missed salad so much! Be sure to use the fat free dressing though. I cannot tolerate fat at all. Dont know about sugar,,dont wanna try!!
By the way. Im 5 and a half months out,,and have lost almost 90 pounds,,so it must be working, eh? Good luck to ya,,you are doing absolutley fantastic!