im about to give up
ok i just tryed to call clarion to make my appt to send in my packet to medicade for an approval and this guy named doug tells me medicade rules just changed literally this past thursday from a 8 month supervised diet program to a 18 month program can anyone please tell me if they know anything about this and please someone please give me some words of faith i just am so let down i have been in this process for nearly a year i cant believe my luck could be this bad in 3 or 4 days all i have done in a years time is nothing through no fault of mine maybe someone could suggest a type of insurance that is very good for this type of surgery i live in indianapolis i have medicade i am disabled but im only 42 so i dont have medicare i have minor kids so i get medicade but my mother has said maybe she could help me for a time with a different ins. so i could get this surgery my bmi is 45 and i have a list of serious health problems please someone help thank you all god bless.

Hugs Cimber!!!! Go ahead and have Clarion submit the package and get your denial then appeal. If you have enough co-morbities, they have to consider them in your appeal. It can't hurt and you have nothing to loose by doing this other than time...which it appears they are making you add to your list of things to do anyhow. Also...try other places too...St Francis and St V's both accept Medicaid patients and their insurance coordinators are very helpful!!!
Good luck girlfriend....I know ya been working so hard for this

The Medicaid link is in the post made today or yesterday here on Indiana boards...just click on it...HOWEVER-Medicaid just passed new guidelines 2-15-06 and they have not approved any Indiana surgery centers ya may have to wait a few weeks for some of the centers to get their approval...they have to meet Medicaid standards....I know St Francis and St V's both meet the requirements....they just haven't ben approved yet.
Here's that link
Do you have other options? I had the same problem as you, medicaid decided 7 months into my weight loss program that I didn't need medicaid anymore. I went to the VA hospital in Indianapolis and they are not only taking care of my medical problems, they are going to pay for my bariatric surgery!!! I have to have 3 months of nutrition counseling but then it's go after that.