Saturday...good morning!!
Good morning everyone! Try as I might, I just never found time or opportunity to get on here yesterday. Everything is done now...or at least, I think it is. Work is taken care of. Suitcases are packed. Our friends are suppose to be here in 90 minutes, then it's off to the airport. I need this week so bad but I think my body has been fighting against me. First I get a sinus infection on Monday....started the Nyquil & zycam ASAP. Since before Christmas, if I get the slightest stuffy nose, I get migraines. That's plurral. I'll get rid of it with loratab but as soon as the loratab wears off, the headache is back. On Wed., I decide to get a hemmoroid from hell. Start on the Prep H stuff right away. On Thursday, saw company dr for both. What a useless waste of time. He game me Afrin and told me to try Anusol. He never looked at either problem. Shoot, he never even took my temp!
Thursday night, I ended up popping myself in the mouth with my water bottle and busted my top lip and bruised the bottom one. Yesterday, had my 5 hr glucose intollerance testing. Sitting that long was murder! So...went to Immediate Care last night. Hmmmm...on a nazal script for the sinus', she prescribed ....LORATAB!! for the migraines, and a script steroid supository for the hemmoroid. Now, why couldn't have that jerk-doctor done that Thursday??
Anyway, still have the sinus' problem and the true pain in the butt, but at least I have meds now that should start giving me some relief. Maybe I'm just having all my bad luck here in Indiana and saving the good luck for while I'm in Nevada!?!?!? LOL! One could hope! all have a great week!!
Vegas Sherri!!

Good luck in Vegas! We're going in October for our belated Honeymoon. HUbby wanted to go after the wedding, but we had a TON of people in from out of state -and- I knew I wouldnt fit in the seatbelt.
My best friend is getting married over memorial day weekend, I'm anxious to see how much I will have lost by then.
ooh boy what a way to fly with a sinus problem....
hey any one ever need a ride to the air port? i have friends they come pick me up, i drive their car and them to the airport, drop them off...they get to have a ride to the door and then i come pick them up in their car and they drop me off and they are ready to go home...along with the ride to the airport and dropped off at the door, they get picked up at the door and free parking in my drive and since i am so close to the airport i keep an eye on their flight to make sure it is on time, and i know when to go pick them up.
All i ask for is a trinket from their trip..
have fun and enjoy your time off and win some money too doubt you are ready for this time off
Good Saturday Morning All!
I have promised myself to get my fanny in gear and get this house together!! Sheesh! I used to always be so fussy about the house and now one could never tell!!
I had planned to yesterday until I had that episode with my gulping too much milk and thought I was going to die!!
It about busted me for the day......but today is a new day and with the sun shining it is a good day to get busy around here. I know Sherri will have a great time in is supposed to be in the upper 60's and lower 70's this week. We usually go there about 3 to 4 times a year and we really miss not going this May. Our son is getting married in June and with the race tracK schedule we hope to make a quick get away weekend maybe in August and then resume our normal 11 days there in October. I am looking forward to being alot more comfortable in my seat for the next trip!
Well....I am off here to get down and dirty with this house! You all have a Fabulous Day!!

HAVE A BLAST IN VEGAS, hope you feel better.Today I am going out with my NEW boyfriend,going out to Whiteland to one of his buddy's and go play pool.I am feeling great.YESTERDAY the new Medicare laws changed so am going crazy waiting for my phone call telling when surgery is AGAIN
but am excited with the 40 pound's lost so far and a new, wonderful man in life.(actually he's an old ex boyfriend) but it is GREAT when they realize what they missed
.Life is good and will only get better after surgery woohooo.To all you ,YOUR LOOKIN WONDERFUL,keep up the great work.Enjoy this weekend, as I know I will.Be safe and take care.
347 down to 303 due to my 1000th time on diet lol